Dara Ladjevardian


"The best learning is accelerated by people."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"In Tools of Titans, Tim Ferriss describes each successful person as a friend that you can revisit for any challenge, as they’ve already faced it. Whatever goal you are trying to achieve or problem you are trying to overcome, it is likely that someone at some point in history has been where you are, has navigated the associated trials and tribulations, and come out the other side with a fresh set of eyes and the benefit of hindsight."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"My hope is someday -- when the next Aristotle is alive -- we can capture the underlying world view of that Aristotle in a computer and someday, some student...will be able to ask Aristotle a question and get an answer."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"I don’t blame them for it - if anything it made me stronger! But it also prevented me from ever seeking out a mentor."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"Instead, I turned to books & the internet. The author or protagonist of every book, blogpost, video, or podcast became manifestations of the mentors I had always wanted."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"It’s too much information for anyone to digest, and it is not tailored to meet the nuances and circumstances of each person."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"If we were to leverage this collective hive-mind of knowledge and experiences, we could create a “Waze for Life”."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"Imagine inputting a starting point (where you’ve been) and a destination (your goals/where you want to go), and getting the shortest, most-effective path to that destination, while avoiding “potholes” and “police officers” that many others already encountered."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"Perhaps the hivemind is not enough. Wouldn’t this just be a more personalized Google?"
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"When I contrast my experience of learning through reading to that of learning through engagement with professors during office hours or Keith Rabois at OpenStore Engineering lunches, it becomes obvious that two-way dialogue 10x's your ability to grasp new ideas and grow."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"When I contrast my experience of learning through reading to that of learning through engagement with professors during office hours or Keith Rabois at OpenStore Engineering lunches, it becomes obvious that two-way dialogue 10x's your ability to grasp new ideas and grow."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"The issue is the average household cannot afford continuous 1:1 sessions with experts."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"“Creating time to make knowledge accessible to anyone, regardless of money or network. Scaling time infinitely.”"
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"Creating time would help both sides of the supply and demand curve. Creating time for people of high demand allows them to do more with less, and allows consumers to access intellectual capital that might otherwise be limited to a select few."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"Delphi is a digital cloning platform that makes the knowledge and experiences in people’s minds available to everyone, enabling users to get personalized advice from those who have already achieved their version of success."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi
"Delphi creates time by allowing these people to create digital clones of themselves to scale their time & influence, so that a wider audience can access their knowledge & insights, in a more personalized way."
Dara Ladjevardian
Introducing Delphi

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Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.