C. Thi Nguyen


"But Twitter also builds in the tools to rip those inside jokes out of their context, to catapult them far outside their home communities, into distant and unsympathetic eyes."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"Twitter rewards high-context speech, and then gives us the perfect tool to decontextualize that speech. Twitter is designed to invite our vulnerability, and then punish it."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"Every joke is a trust fall. And every laugh is a direct experience of connection."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"All jokes require that the joke-teller and audience share some background knowledge. And that background knowledge needs to be unstated for the joke to work. A joke will absolutely fail if the teller tries to prepare the audience with an explicit declaration of the necessary background knowledge."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"The basic structure of a joke forces the teller to presume the existence of a shared background. The teller must take a risk, a leap of faith."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"We don’t just see the connection; we share the exact sense of humor needed to laugh at it."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"Every time we emphasize the connections of an in-group, we also emphasize their lack with outsiders."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"Every intimacy is also an alienation."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"The deep pleasure of the joke lies in having all those connections go off in your head in a dense, firecracker sequence."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"But your tweet can play off some rich shared background. It can gesture at what your audience already knows about you or draw on your shared history."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"A good tweet plucks at pre-existing strings."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"Twitter can’t give you the immediate, visceral experience of in-person laughter. But it gives you access to a very different—and seductive—social pleasure."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"You hurl an obscure joke into the void. To land, it needs to find a perfect confluence of shared background knowledge and emotional attitudes. But sometimes it all works out, and then Twitter rewards you with likes—sometimes a torrent of likes."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"The promise and pleasure of Twitter lies in our hope for finding this sudden, sharp, intimate connection. And this thought can explain why so much of Twitter tends towards comedy, irony, and shitposting."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"It forces us to depend on shared background context in order to create richly meaningful tweets."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"But when you write something in an intimate voice, intended for a specific community, you open yourself to having your words pulled out of context and radically misunderstood."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"And the mechanism for context-shredding is built directly into Twitter. It’s the retweets."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"A couple of unlucky retweets, and suddenly your tweet is splayed across tens of thousands of screens of people who don’t share your background context, who can’t interpret your tweet properly."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"Jokes are read straigh"
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"It’s that Twitter’s basic structure—its shortness, the promise of connection with strangers—draws out of us these vulnerable, context-dependent stabs at intimacy."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"Twitter is built to reward us for these risky, high-wire walks on the thin strand of shared context."
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine
"The platform makes it easy for any user to rip something out of context and activate the pleasures of another kind of intimate connection—the gratifications of shared outrage,"
C. Thi Nguyen
Twitter, the Intimacy Machine

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