Alexandre Brito


"true gamified design has more to do with behavioral psychology than Mario Kart tokens. And while it can be an incredible tool for boosting user engagements and conversions, there’s a catch."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"Gamified products establish a rewards cycle that floods the brain with dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps the brain associate certain behaviors with feeling good."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"One 2016 study showed that when people used a gamified learning product, the areas of the brain responsible for wandering thoughts deactivated. In other words, our focus is much stronger when we feel like we’re playing a game."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"Multisensory elements in games, such as audio and visual feedback, help us assimilate that learning into our working memory, the processing systems in the brain that apply our memories to tasks."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"too much audiovisual input at once can inhibit long-term retention. That’s why gamified learning apps like Duolingo tend to organize games into short modules."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"The gamification strategies that most often spur user action are also the most addictive. These Black Hat gamification techniques try to make the user surrender control to the product by fostering uncertainty and anxiety."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"Good design, meanwhile, uses White Hat gamification techniques to tap into your goals and preferences while encouraging life balance."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"Black Hat core drives spur users to action but can lead to burnout in the long run."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"One way to balance business and consumer interests is to design products around your user’s core motives."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"The problem with White Hat design is that while it promotes good feelings, it doesn’t often spur the user to action. That’s why Black Hat gamification techniques can be useful adjuncts at pivotal moments in the user’s journey."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"White Hat design outcomes aren’t always virtuous, just as Black Hat tactics in moderation aren’t necessarily unethical."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"In other words, the interplay of design and psychology is unpredictable. Outcomes matter as much as intentions when it comes to cultivating healthy relationships with users."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"According to Moore, once you know what habits you want to encourage, you can start building the goals and feedback mechanisms in your UX."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"In behavioral conditioning, people (or animals) learn to perform certain actions in response to certain stimuli, regardless of how they feel about that action."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"If the client isn’t interested in ethical limits, reframe them as a means of enhancing its brand reputation and cultivating a healthy consumer base in the long term."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design
"Remember that customer acquisition is a lot more expensive than retention."
Alexandre Brito
How to Use Meaningful Gamification in Product Design

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