The Powerful Dollar and the Ancient University: Uniting History and Finance


Hatched by فايز

May 11, 2024

4 min read


The Powerful Dollar and the Ancient University: Uniting History and Finance

In the world of finance, the strength of the US dollar is a crucial factor that influences global markets and investor behavior. Higher interest rates often encourage foreign investors to take advantage of greater yields from bonds and fixed deposits. On the other hand, the cryptocurrency market has experienced a significant decline, with Bitcoin losing its value. While these financial dynamics shape our modern world, it is also important to recognize the historical significance of institutions such as the University of Al-Qarawiyyin.

The University of Al-Qarawiyyin, located in Fes, Morocco, holds the distinction of being the first university in the world. Founded in 859, this institution has remained a leading center for education and spirituality in the Muslim world. Its contributions played a vital role in bridging cultural and academic connections between the Islamic and European worlds during the Middle Ages. Today, Al-Qarawiyyin is still recognized as the oldest operating academic institution by Guinness World Records, UNESCO, and numerous historians.

It is fascinating to consider the parallel timelines of the rise of the US dollar and the establishment of Al-Qarawiyyin. While the dollar symbolizes economic dominance and global trade, Al-Qarawiyyin represents the intellectual and cultural achievements of the Islamic world. Both have left indelible marks on history, shaping the course of civilization in their respective domains.

The University of Al-Qarawiyyin began as a part of a mosque in 859, founded by Fatima al-Fihria, the daughter of a wealthy merchant named Muhammad Al-Fihri. Fatima and her sister Mariam were both highly educated and inherited a considerable fortune from their father. The mosque quickly evolved into a center for religious teachings and political discussions, gradually expanding its educational offerings to include various subjects, particularly the natural sciences.

Throughout its history, Al-Qarawiyyin enjoyed strong political protection from the ruling Sultan. Sultan Abu Inan Faris of the Marinid Dynasty, which was formed in 1244 and centered in Morocco, provided official support and safeguarded the institution. The library at Al-Qarawiyyin houses invaluable manuscripts, including volumes of the renowned Al-Muwatta by Imam Malik bin Anas, a book of hadiths and fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). Additionally, the library holds a copy of the Quran given by Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur in 1602, as well as the original manuscript of Ibn Khaldun's "Al-'Ibar."

The subjects taught at Al-Qarawiyyin extended beyond Quranic studies and Islamic law. The curriculum encompassed grammar, rhetoric, logic, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, history, geography, and music. This diverse range of disciplines exemplifies the comprehensive educational approach of the university, which aimed to cultivate well-rounded scholars.

Over the centuries, the Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque underwent numerous expansions, eventually becoming the largest in North Africa. Its current form is the result of a long and rich evolutionary history spanning over 1,000 years. The first expansion took place in 956, setting the stage for future development and growth.

As we reflect on the intertwined narratives of the US dollar and Al-Qarawiyyin, we can draw three actionable insights:

  • 1. Appreciate the historical and cultural significance of financial systems: Understanding the origins and historical context of monetary systems can provide valuable insights into their present-day impact. History sheds light on the complex interplay between finance, culture, and society.
  • 2. Embrace interdisciplinary education: Al-Qarawiyyin's curriculum serves as a reminder of the importance of a well-rounded education that encompasses various disciplines. By exploring different subjects, individuals can gain a broader perspective and develop skills that transcend traditional boundaries.
  • 3. Foster the protection and preservation of cultural heritage: Institutions like Al-Qarawiyyin hold immense historical value and provide a link to our past. Efforts to safeguard and preserve cultural heritage are crucial in ensuring that future generations can continue to benefit from these treasures.

In conclusion, the strength of the US dollar and the historical significance of the University of Al-Qarawiyyin may seem unrelated at first glance. However, when we delve deeper, we find common threads that connect these seemingly disparate realms. By recognizing the importance of both finance and education throughout history, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of our world and make informed decisions for the future.

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