Four Influential Figures Spreading Islamic Teachings in Indonesia and the Urgent Need to Protect Biodiversity in the Country


Hatched by فايز

Apr 23, 2024

3 min read


Four Influential Figures Spreading Islamic Teachings in Indonesia and the Urgent Need to Protect Biodiversity in the Country


In Indonesia, there are four influential figures who have dedicated their lives to spreading the teachings of Kanjeng Nabi Muhammad SAW to the native population. At the same time, the country is facing a critical issue of biodiversity loss, as highlighted in an infographic that reveals the alarming number of threatened flora and fauna species in the planned capital city. This article aims to explore the commonalities between these two seemingly unrelated topics and emphasize the importance of taking action to address these pressing concerns.

Connecting the Dots:

While the focus of the influential figures is on spreading Islamic teachings, it is essential to recognize that the teachings of Islam encompass a holistic approach to life. This includes nurturing and preserving the environment, which is intertwined with the concept of biodiversity. The Quran and Hadiths emphasize the responsibility of humans to be stewards of the Earth and to protect its flora and fauna. Therefore, it is crucial for these influential figures to extend their teachings to include environmental conservation.

The Threat to Biodiversity:

The infographic sheds light on the grim reality of the biodiversity crisis in Indonesia's planned capital city. According to the Master Plan for Biodiversity Management, 374 species of flora and fauna are at risk. Among them, 34 species are on the verge of extinction, 105 species are threatened, and 301 species are categorized as vulnerable. This alarming situation calls for immediate action to protect and preserve the country's rich biodiversity.

The Intersection of Islam and Environmental Conservation:

The teachings of Islam emphasize the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of maintaining harmony in nature. Prophet Muhammad himself was known for his love and respect for the environment. He encouraged his followers to plant trees, conserve water, and protect animals. By incorporating these teachings into their messages, the influential figures can inspire their followers to take an active role in environmental conservation, including the protection of biodiversity.

Taking Action: Three Steps Towards Change:

  • 1. Education and Awareness: The influential figures can organize seminars, workshops, and lectures that focus on the importance of environmental conservation and the preservation of biodiversity. By educating their followers about the teachings of Islam in this context, they can inspire a sense of responsibility and motivate individuals to take action.
  • 2. Collaboration and Partnerships: It is crucial for the influential figures to collaborate with environmental organizations, government agencies, and other stakeholders to develop strategies and initiatives that address the biodiversity crisis. By working together, they can leverage their influence and resources to create meaningful change.
  • 3. Sustainable Practices: Encouraging sustainable practices within their communities can have a significant impact on biodiversity conservation. This can involve promoting organic farming, reducing waste, and advocating for the use of renewable energy sources. By incorporating these practices into their teachings, the influential figures can inspire their followers to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle.


In conclusion, the four influential figures spreading Islamic teachings in Indonesia have a unique opportunity to address the urgent need for biodiversity conservation. By incorporating environmental conservation into their messages, they can inspire their followers to take action and protect the country's rich flora and fauna. Through education, collaboration, and the promotion of sustainable practices, they can create a positive impact on the environment and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Let us all join hands in this important endeavor.

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