"The Failures of UU Cipta Kerja and the Overreliance on IQ Tests: A Closer Look at Inequality and Skill Assessment"


Hatched by فايز

Apr 03, 2024

4 min read


"The Failures of UU Cipta Kerja and the Overreliance on IQ Tests: A Closer Look at Inequality and Skill Assessment"


The passage of the UU Cipta Kerja, or the Job Creation Law, in Indonesia has been met with mixed reactions. While the government and the House of Representatives have hailed it as a landmark legislation to attract investments and spur economic growth, labor groups argue that it fails to prioritize the welfare of workers. At the same time, there is a growing concern about the overreliance on IQ tests as a measure of intelligence and potential. This article aims to explore the interconnected issues of inequality and skill assessment, shedding light on the need for more inclusive policies and alternative methods of evaluating individuals.

The Impact of UU Cipta Kerja on Workers:

Critics of the UU Cipta Kerja argue that it predominantly favors investors and corporations, rather than ensuring the well-being of workers. The law's provisions regarding wages and long-term leave have been particularly contentious. The absence of clear regulations on minimum wages and the lack of provisions for extended periods of leave have left workers feeling vulnerable and marginalized. This perception is shared by the public, who believe that the law does not align with the goal of worker welfare and that laborers are still in a subordinate position. Experts, too, have voiced their concerns, suggesting that the UU Cipta Kerja primarily benefits investors and is aimed at attracting more capital rather than improving the lives of laborers. The root of the problem lies in the weak enforcement of laws and regulations that fail to protect the rights of workers.

The Limitations of IQ Tests:

While IQ tests have long been used as a measure of cognitive abilities, recent research has raised concerns about their effectiveness. Studies have shown that average IQ scores have been increasing by approximately 3 points per decade. However, there is evidence to suggest that this trend may have reversed in the past 30 years. This raises questions about the relevance and reliability of IQ tests in accurately assessing an individual's intelligence and potential. Moreover, IQ tests tend to focus on cognitive skills, neglecting other valuable abilities such as emotional intelligence, creativity, and practical skills. By relying too heavily on IQ tests, society risks overlooking individuals with different types of intelligence and potential, leading to a narrow and biased assessment of skills.

Connecting the Dots:

Although seemingly unrelated, the failures of UU Cipta Kerja and the overreliance on IQ tests are interconnected issues that highlight the importance of inclusive policies and comprehensive skill assessment methods. Both situations underscore the need to prioritize the welfare of all individuals, whether they are workers or potential candidates for various positions. By neglecting the rights and well-being of workers, the UU Cipta Kerja perpetuates inequality and reinforces the subordination of laborers. Similarly, the exclusive emphasis on IQ tests limits the recognition and development of diverse talents and abilities, perpetuating a narrow understanding of intelligence and potential.

Alternative Approaches and Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Implement fair labor regulations and ensure their proper enforcement: To address the shortcomings of the UU Cipta Kerja, it is crucial to establish clear and favorable labor regulations that prioritize the well-being and rights of workers. Furthermore, strict enforcement mechanisms should be put in place to ensure that these regulations are adhered to and that workers are protected from exploitation.
  • 2. Adopt a holistic approach to skill assessment: Instead of solely relying on IQ tests, it is essential to develop and utilize comprehensive methods of evaluating individuals' skills and potential. This should include assessments of emotional intelligence, creativity, practical skills, and other forms of intelligence. By recognizing and nurturing diverse talents, society can create a more inclusive environment that values the unique strengths of individuals.
  • 3. Promote dialogue and collaboration between stakeholders: To address the interconnected issues of inequality and skill assessment, it is crucial to foster open and constructive dialogue between government representatives, labor groups, experts, and other stakeholders. By engaging in meaningful discussions and collaborating on policy reforms, it becomes possible to create more equitable and effective solutions that benefit all parties involved.


The failures of UU Cipta Kerja and the overreliance on IQ tests highlight the urgent need for more inclusive policies and comprehensive approaches to skill assessment. By prioritizing the welfare of workers and adopting alternative methods of evaluating individuals, societies can strive towards greater equality and the recognition of diverse talents. Through fair labor regulations, holistic skill assessment, and collaborative efforts, it is possible to create a more just and prosperous future for all.

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