The Evolution of Modern Architecture: Connecting History, Characteristics, and Principles with the Timor Timur Conflict


Hatched by فايز

Jun 06, 2024

3 min read


The Evolution of Modern Architecture: Connecting History, Characteristics, and Principles with the Timor Timur Conflict

At the end of the 19th century, a significant shift occurred in technology, building materials, and the use of machinery. This marked the early era of what we now know as modern architecture. The emergence of modern architecture was influenced by various factors, including the scarcity of steel as a building material, which led to the exploration of alternatives like aluminum. Additionally, the destruction caused by World War II triggered the need for a more modern approach to rebuilding structures.

One of the prominent characteristics of modern architecture is its emphasis on simplicity, resulting in clean and minimalist designs. The use of vertical and horizontal lines, as well as box-like shapes, creates a sleek and uncluttered appearance. This design approach not only unifies buildings with their surroundings but also allows natural sunlight to permeate the interior spaces. The integration of large glass windows and the utilization of natural light are essential features of modern architecture, enabling a connection between the built environment and the natural world.

The philosophy behind modern architecture is to establish a harmonious relationship with nature and the surrounding environment. Each space within a modern architectural design is meticulously planned to serve its purpose efficiently. This principle was first introduced by American architect Louis Sullivan, who believed in the optimization of space usage.

Now, let's explore how the history of modern architecture intertwines with the Timor Timur conflict and the Indonesian military's Operation Seroja.

On December 7, 1975, the Santa Cruz Massacre marked the beginning of Operation Seroja. This military operation, carried out by Indonesia during the New Order period, was a response to the desire for independence expressed by the Fretilin Party in Timor Timur (East Timor). The Fretilin Party aimed to separate Timor Timur from Indonesia and establish an independent nation, free from foreign interference. On the other hand, the Apodeti Party advocated for Timor Timur to remain part of Indonesia and opposed any form of separation.

Unfortunately, the conflict escalated, resulting in the massacre of supporters of the party advocating for integration with Indonesia. Moreover, the Falintil forces often used civilians as human shields when facing the Indonesian military.

Connecting these seemingly unrelated topics, we can observe common elements such as the desire for independence, the importance of unity, and the impact of external influences. Both modern architecture and the Timor Timur conflict highlight the significance of connecting with the environment and the need for efficient utilization of resources.

To apply the insights from both these subjects into actionable advice, here are three recommendations:

  • 1. Embrace simplicity and minimalism in your architectural designs. Consider incorporating vertical and horizontal lines, as well as box-like shapes, to create a clean and uncluttered appearance. Additionally, maximize the use of natural light through the integration of large glass windows.
  • 2. Prioritize the optimization of space usage in your architectural projects. Ensure that each room or area serves its purpose efficiently, just as modern architecture emphasizes.
  • 3. Recognize the importance of unity and harmonious relationships in any conflict or project. Whether it's designing a building or resolving a conflict, strive to create connections and bridges between different elements, be it the built environment and nature or diverse perspectives within a community.

In conclusion, the evolution of modern architecture and the Timor Timur conflict provide valuable insights into the importance of simplicity, connection, and efficiency. By incorporating these principles into our architectural designs and approaches to conflict resolution, we can create spaces and communities that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and harmonious.

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