The Intersection of Climate Crisis and Analytical Chemistry: Insights into the Threats to Indonesian Homes and the Secrets of Your Favorite Coffee


Hatched by فايز

May 25, 2024

3 min read


The Intersection of Climate Crisis and Analytical Chemistry: Insights into the Threats to Indonesian Homes and the Secrets of Your Favorite Coffee


In a recent study by Climate Central, it was revealed that a staggering 10.4 million Indonesians are at risk of losing their homes due to the climate crisis. This number is projected to rise even higher, potentially reaching 16.8 million people by 2100. The CoastalDEM dataset provides the most accurate data on coastal land elevation, and if sea levels in Indonesia rise by 47cm, the country is estimated to suffer economic losses of up to $3.3 billion per year.

Connecting the Dots:

While it may seem like an unrelated topic, analytical chemistry can shed light on the secrets behind your favorite cup of coffee. Analytical chemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies the components of natural substances, including coffee, and maps out their composition. With the use of analytical chemistry methods, researchers have been able to delve into the intricacies of coffee since 2019.

The Chemistry of Coffee:

The consumption of coffee worldwide amounts to a staggering 178.5 million bags, with each bag containing approximately 60kg of dried coffee beans. Finland, known for its high coffee consumption per capita, has been a focus of coffee research. Through the application of analytical chemistry methods, the aroma of coffee can be identified by the human nose due to the presence of volatile compounds. These compounds need to be extracted from coffee grounds using solvents, and the resulting mixture is then separated using chromatography methods.

Furthermore, the composition of the compounds found in coffee shows that certain types, such as kopi lanang, have a richer composition compared to robusta coffee. This suggests that kopi lanang not only tastes better but also holds more beneficial properties. Spectrometry analysis has shown that all three types of coffee—arabica, robusta, and kopi lanang—contain healthy compounds, such as phenolic compounds. This indicates that coffee, with its balanced and naturally occurring mixture of compounds, has the potential to be used as an herbal medicine or a healthy supplement.

Insights and Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Climate Crisis: The findings of the Climate Central study highlight the urgent need to address the climate crisis. Governments and individuals alike should prioritize efforts to reduce carbon emissions, promote sustainable practices, and adapt to the changing environment. This includes measures such as investing in renewable energy, supporting coastal protection initiatives, and implementing policies that mitigate the impact of rising sea levels.
  • 2. Coffee Consumption: As coffee lovers, we can be more mindful of our coffee consumption and its environmental impact. Supporting sustainable coffee farming practices, such as shade-grown or organic coffee, can contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and the reduction of chemical inputs. Additionally, exploring alternatives to single-use coffee cups and opting for reusable options can help reduce waste.
  • 3. Analytical Chemistry and Health: The insights gained from analytical chemistry research on coffee highlight the potential health benefits of this beloved beverage. Further studies should be conducted to preserve and enhance the beneficial compounds present in coffee. This could involve optimizing brewing methods, exploring the effects of different roasting techniques, or investigating the potential synergistic effects of combining coffee with other natural ingredients.


The intersection of the climate crisis and analytical chemistry provides unique insights into the threats facing Indonesian homes and the secrets behind the chemistry of coffee. As we confront the challenges posed by climate change, it is crucial to recognize the need for sustainable practices and to take action to mitigate the risks. Simultaneously, the application of analytical chemistry in coffee research offers opportunities to unlock the full potential of this popular beverage for health and well-being. By embracing these insights and adopting actionable advice, we can contribute to a more sustainable future and enjoy our cup of coffee with a greater understanding of its chemical complexities.

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