The Path to Becoming a Lawyer and the Troublesome Hippos of Pablo Escobar

TΞΞLOCK Mith!lesh

Hatched by TΞΞLOCK Mith!lesh

Jan 30, 2024

4 min read


The Path to Becoming a Lawyer and the Troublesome Hippos of Pablo Escobar


Becoming a lawyer is a rigorous process that requires years of education and practical experience. In Finland, students enter law school at the undergraduate level, with the ultimate goal of obtaining a master's degree in law. This degree opens doors to various legal professions, including becoming a judge or a licensed attorney. On the other hand, the story of Pablo Escobar's troublesome hippos in Colombia sheds light on the unexpected consequences of one man's actions and the environmental challenges they pose. While these topics may seem unrelated, they both highlight the complexities of legal systems and the impact individuals can have on society.

Education and Qualifications for Lawyers in Finland:

In Finland, law school is typically entered at the undergraduate level in a university. While an intermediate bachelor's degree, known as oikeusnotaari, exists, the primary target for aspiring lawyers is the master's degree in law, called oikeustieteen maisteri. This degree is considered the foundational qualification for practicing law. Upon completing university education, individuals can obtain the title of varatuomari (VT) by completing a one-year externship in a district court. This title is essential for those aspiring to become judges. With further experience, candidates may seek admission to the Finnish Bar Association and become licensed attorneys with the legally protected title asianajaja, similar to barristers.

Legal Education in Italy:

In Italy, the path to becoming a practicing lawyer involves obtaining a 5-year Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree. This comprehensive program equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in the legal profession. The LL.M. degree covers various aspects of law, including civil law, criminal law, and constitutional law. Through this rigorous curriculum, aspiring lawyers gain a deep understanding of the Italian legal system and its intricacies. Upon completion of the LL.M. degree, graduates are prepared to embark on their legal careers and contribute to the justice system.

Pablo Escobar's Troublesome Hippos:

In a stark contrast to the structured and regulated world of law, the story of Pablo Escobar's troublesome hippos serves as a reminder of how individual actions can have unforeseen consequences. In the 1980s, Pablo Escobar, a notorious Colombian drug lord, imported four hippos to his private zoo in Hacienda Nápoles. Following Escobar's death and the closure of his estate, the hippos were left unattended and began reproducing rapidly. Today, the descendants of these hippos roam freely in Colombian rivers, presenting a significant ecological problem. Their presence disrupts the local ecosystem and poses risks to other native species.

Connecting the Dots:

While law school and the story of Escobar's hippos may seem unrelated, there are common threads that bind them together. Both highlight the importance of understanding the consequences of our actions and the need for responsible decision-making. In the legal field, lawyers must consider the potential impact of their advice and actions on clients, society, and the justice system as a whole. Similarly, Escobar's hippos demonstrate how one person's actions can lead to unintended and far-reaching consequences, underscoring the need for accountability and consideration of the broader implications of our choices.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Emphasize the Importance of Ethics: In legal education and practice, ethics should be at the forefront. Encourage aspiring lawyers to prioritize ethical considerations in their decision-making process, always keeping in mind the potential implications of their actions on clients, society, and the environment.
  • 2. Promote Environmental Responsibility: The case of Escobar's hippos serves as a reminder of the environmental impact individuals can have. Encourage lawyers to be environmentally conscious and advocate for sustainable practices within the legal profession.
  • 3. Foster Interdisciplinary Connections: Law does not exist in isolation. Encourage aspiring lawyers to explore interdisciplinary studies and make connections between different fields. This approach can enhance their understanding of the broader context in which legal issues arise and enable them to find innovative solutions.


Becoming a lawyer requires years of education, practical experience, and a commitment to ethical practice. The legal systems in different countries, such as Finland and Italy, provide aspiring lawyers with the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of the profession. Additionally, stories like Pablo Escobar's troublesome hippos remind us of the wider impact individuals can have on society and the environment. By incorporating actionable advice such as prioritizing ethics, promoting environmental responsibility, and fostering interdisciplinary connections, lawyers can play a vital role in shaping a more just and sustainable future.

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