Unveiling the Intersection of Technology and Feminism: Reimagining the Digital Landscape

TΞΞLOCK Mith!lesh

Hatched by TΞΞLOCK Mith!lesh

Jun 11, 2024

3 min read


Unveiling the Intersection of Technology and Feminism: Reimagining the Digital Landscape


In recent times, the realms of technology and feminism have collided, sparking intriguing discussions on how these two seemingly disparate fields intersect. Amy Kapernick's talk, "Your website does not need JavaScript," and Sophie Lewis's conversation with Verso Books on "Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family" shed light on the unexpected connections between technology and feminism. This article aims to explore their unique perspectives, identify common points, and provide actionable advice for reimagining the digital landscape.

Amy Kapernick's "Your website does not need JavaScript":

Amy Kapernick's thought-provoking talk challenges the conventional belief that websites must heavily rely on JavaScript. She argues that excessive use of JavaScript can hinder website performance, accessibility, and user experience. Instead, Kapernick advocates for a simpler approach that emphasizes clean HTML and CSS code. By reducing reliance on JavaScript, developers can create lightweight websites that load quickly, are compatible with various devices, and ensure inclusivity for individuals with disabilities.

Sophie Lewis's "Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family":

In her conversation with Verso Books, Sophie Lewis delves into the feminist critique of the traditional nuclear family structure and explores the concept of surrogacy from a feminist perspective. Lewis challenges the notion that surrogacy reinforces patriarchal norms, arguing instead for a reimagining of surrogacy as a tool for liberation. She advocates for a society that values care work and seeks to dismantle the oppressive structures embedded within the family unit.

The Intersection:

While seemingly unrelated, Kapernick's talk and Lewis's conversation share common ground in their critique of existing systems and their call for reimagining the status quo. Both highlight the importance of questioning established norms and finding innovative solutions that prioritize inclusivity, efficiency, and liberation.

1. Embracing Simplicity:

Kapernick's emphasis on simplifying websites by reducing JavaScript usage aligns with Lewis's call to simplify societal structures. Just as excessive JavaScript can compromise a website's performance, an overburdened family structure can hinder individuals' freedom and well-being. By embracing simplicity, both in technology and social constructs, we can create environments that prioritize accessibility and autonomy.

2. Prioritizing Inclusivity:

Kapernick's emphasis on creating websites that are accessible for individuals with disabilities resonates with Lewis's feminist critique of the family unit. Both advocate for inclusivity and challenge the exclusionary nature of traditional systems. By designing websites with accessibility in mind and reimagining the family structure to be more inclusive, we can foster a society that values and uplifts all individuals.

3. Questioning Assumptions:

Both Kapernick and Lewis encourage us to question assumptions and challenge established norms. Kapernick's rejection of the widely accepted notion that JavaScript is essential for websites parallels Lewis's critique of the traditional family structure. By interrogating assumptions and embracing alternative perspectives, we can pave the way for innovative solutions that transform the digital landscape and societal structures.


The intersection of technology and feminism offers unique insights into reimagining the digital landscape. Amy Kapernick's call for simplicity and accessibility in website design and Sophie Lewis's critique of the traditional family unit provide a compelling framework for creating inclusive, liberating environments. By prioritizing simplicity, inclusivity, and questioning assumptions, we can revolutionize both the digital realm and societal structures.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Prioritize clean HTML and CSS code when developing websites, reducing reliance on excessive JavaScript to enhance performance and accessibility.
  • 2. Advocate for inclusivity in website design by ensuring accessibility for individuals with disabilities, thereby fostering a more inclusive digital landscape.
  • 3. Challenge assumptions and norms in both technology and society, seeking alternate perspectives to drive innovation and liberation.

By embracing these actionable pieces of advice, we can contribute to a future where technology and feminism converge to create a more equitable and empowering world.

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