The Science of Shame and the Future of Operating Systems

TΞΞLOCK Mith!lesh

Hatched by TΞΞLOCK Mith!lesh

Nov 12, 2023

3 min read


The Science of Shame and the Future of Operating Systems


Shame, often described as the ghost in the machine of the human mind, is a powerful emotion that can influence our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others. In this article, we will explore the science behind shame and how it relates to the future of operating systems. We will also delve into the concepts of PopOS, COSMIC, and RedoxOS, and discuss their potential impact on the technology landscape. Through a careful examination of these topics, we will uncover actionable advice for navigating the digital world with a healthy mindset.

Understanding Shame:

Shame is a complex emotion that arises from a sense of inadequacy, embarrassment, or guilt. It is deeply rooted in our evolutionary past and serves as a social regulator, ensuring that we conform to societal norms and expectations. However, excessive shame can be detrimental to our mental well-being and hinder personal growth. As we navigate the digital landscape, where social interactions often occur online, it is crucial to recognize the role shame plays in shaping our behavior.

PopOS: Embracing Individuality and Inclusivity:

PopOS, an operating system developed by System76, presents a unique perspective on the future of technology. It places emphasis on individuality and inclusivity, offering a customizable experience that caters to the diverse needs of its users. By acknowledging and embracing the uniqueness of each individual, PopOS aims to foster a sense of empowerment and self-acceptance, ultimately challenging the shame-driven culture often perpetuated by technology.

COSMIC: Redefining User Experience:

COSMIC, a new user interface developed by Canonical for Ubuntu, seeks to redefine the user experience by prioritizing productivity and efficiency. By seamlessly integrating different applications and workspaces, COSMIC aims to streamline workflow and reduce cognitive overload. This innovative approach not only enhances efficiency but also alleviates the potential shame that may arise from feeling overwhelmed or disorganized in a digital environment.

RedoxOS: A Quest for Security and Transparency:

In a world where privacy and data security are growing concerns, RedoxOS offers a unique alternative. Developed with a focus on security and transparency, this microkernel-based operating system aims to provide users with greater control over their digital lives. By incorporating principles such as minimalism, code auditability, and sandboxing, RedoxOS endeavors to create a digital space where shame-inducing vulnerabilities and privacy breaches are minimized.

Connecting the Dots:

Despite their distinct goals and approaches, PopOS, COSMIC, and RedoxOS share a common goal: to create a future where technology empowers individuals rather than oppresses them with shame. These operating systems address different aspects of the human experience, from individuality and productivity to security and privacy. By connecting these dots, we can envision a future where technology is designed to enhance our lives while fostering a healthy relationship with ourselves and others.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Cultivate self-awareness: Understand the impact of shame on your thoughts and actions. Recognize when shame arises and challenge the underlying beliefs or expectations contributing to it. Embrace self-acceptance and prioritize your well-being in the digital realm.
  • 2. Seek out inclusive spaces: Surround yourself with communities and platforms that celebrate diversity and individuality. Engage in conversations that promote empathy, understanding, and constructive criticism. By embracing inclusivity, we can counteract the shame-driven culture often perpetuated by technology.
  • 3. Prioritize security and privacy: Take proactive steps to protect your digital identity and personal information. Stay informed about the latest security practices and tools. Consider exploring alternative operating systems, such as RedoxOS, that prioritize transparency and user control over their data.


Shame, a powerful yet often overlooked emotion, plays a significant role in our experience of technology. By exploring the concepts of PopOS, COSMIC, and RedoxOS, we can gain insights into how technology can be harnessed to empower individuals, foster inclusivity, and prioritize security. As we navigate the digital world, let us remember to cultivate self-awareness, seek out inclusive spaces, and prioritize our security and privacy. By doing so, we can create a future where technology enhances our lives without subjecting us to the haunting grip of shame.

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