The Power of Neurodiversity in Tech: Embracing Innovation and Divergent Thinking

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Nov 16, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Neurodiversity in Tech: Embracing Innovation and Divergent Thinking


Neurodiversity Week Session 5, titled "The Power of Neurodiversity in Tech," aims to educate people about the value of neurodiversity. By challenging labels and promoting inclusivity, this session highlights the importance of embracing different perspectives in the tech industry. In this article, we will explore the connection between neurodiversity, innovation, and divergent thinking, while providing actionable advice for fostering a more inclusive and innovative environment.

Neurodiversity and Labels:

One of the key messages from the Neurodiversity Week session is that labels should not define individuals. Whether it's the car you drive or the suit you wear, it is the ignorance behind labels that hinders progress. By addressing this issue, we can create an environment that celebrates the unique strengths and perspectives of neurodiverse individuals. This shift in mindset can pave the way for innovation and divergent thinking.

Divergent Thinking and Innovation:

Innovation requires inspiration and divergent thinking. Traditional problem-solving approaches often lead to repetitive ideas. However, by adopting a design-led approach, organizations can encourage their teams to explore various solutions. Divergent thinking allows for the generation of new and creative ideas, leading to breakthrough innovations. It involves stepping away from the conventional and exploring uncharted territories.

Convergent Thinking for Improvement:

While divergent thinking is essential for innovation, convergent thinking plays a crucial role in improving existing processes. When the objective is to optimize current operations, methodologies like Business Process Re-engineering come into play. Convergent thinking focuses on finding specific solutions to enhance efficiency. In such cases, organizations rely on their existing knowledge and experience to make incremental changes.

Combining Divergent and Convergent Thinking:

To truly reimagine an area or policy, a combination of divergent and convergent thinking is required. When faced with the need for fundamental changes, organizations must explore different solutions while also identifying the best course of action. By embracing both approaches, they can address the shortcomings of existing policies or services and align them with the desired outcomes. This blended thinking approach can lead to transformative results.

Actionable Advice for Fostering Neurodiversity and Innovation:

  • 1. Create an Inclusive Environment: Foster a culture that values diversity and encourages individuals to embrace their unique perspectives. Provide neurodiverse individuals with the support they need to thrive in the workplace.
  • 2. Embrace Divergent Thinking: Encourage teams to think outside the box and explore various solutions. Create brainstorming sessions that allow for the free flow of ideas, without the fear of judgment or repetition. Emphasize the value of diverse perspectives in driving innovation.
  • 3. Empower Experimentation and Adaptation: Innovation often requires trial and error. Encourage teams to experiment with new ideas and solutions, and provide them with the resources and support needed to adapt and refine their approaches. Emphasize that failure is an opportunity for growth and learning.


The power of neurodiversity in the tech industry lies in its ability to foster innovation and divergent thinking. By challenging labels and embracing the unique strengths of individuals, organizations can create a more inclusive and creative environment. Combining divergent and convergent thinking allows for both transformative changes and incremental improvements. By incorporating actionable advice such as creating an inclusive environment, embracing divergent thinking, and empowering experimentation, organizations can unlock the full potential of neurodiversity and drive innovation forward.

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