The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the Power of Narrative in the Modern World

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jan 26, 2024

3 min read


The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the Power of Narrative in the Modern World


The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) plays a vital role in the field of epidemiology, health management, and clinical practice. It is a globally recognized diagnostic tool maintained by the World Health Organization (WHO). The ICD-11, the latest revision of the classification, was accepted by the WHO's World Health Assembly in 2019 and came into effect in 2022. This article explores the significance of the ICD and its connection to the power of narrative in understanding ourselves and uniting humanity.

The ICD and its Complementary Classifications:

The ICD is part of a family of international classifications, including the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). While the ICD focuses on classifying diseases and health conditions, the ICF addresses the domains of functioning associated with these conditions from medical and social perspectives. On the other hand, the DSM is favored for the classification of mental disorders in specific countries like the United States. Together, these classifications aim to promote international comparability and provide diagnostic assistance in healthcare.

The Role of the ICD in Healthcare:

The ICD serves multiple purposes in the healthcare industry. It is used for morbidity and mortality statistics, reimbursement systems, and automated decision support. By utilizing a standardized classification system, the ICD ensures international comparability in the collection, processing, classification, and presentation of health-related statistics. This promotes efficient data analysis and aids in making informed decisions regarding public health strategies, resource allocation, and treatment plans.

The Power of Narrative in Understanding Ourselves and Uniting Humanity:

In addition to the ICD, the power of narrative plays a significant role in our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Yuval Noah Harari, a renowned historian, emphasizes the importance of creating narratives to simplify the complexity of the world and bring people together. He suggests that the human mind is not designed to separate feelings from actions and that our identity is intricately connected to people and events from all over the world and throughout history.

Finding Common Ground:

The ICD and the power of narrative share a common goal - to unite humanity. While the ICD aids in understanding and managing health conditions, narratives provide a framework for connecting individuals, cultures, and societies. Both strive to create a common ground where people can come together, empathize, and find solutions to global challenges.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace the power of narrative: Recognize the importance of storytelling and narratives in fostering understanding and empathy. Share personal experiences, listen to others' stories, and find commonalities that can bridge gaps and encourage collaboration.
  • 2. Stay informed about the ICD: Keep up-to-date with the revisions and updates in the International Classification of Diseases. Understand its significance in healthcare, research, and policy-making. This knowledge will enable you to make informed decisions and contribute to the improvement of global health outcomes.
  • 3. Advocate for international collaboration: Encourage governments, healthcare organizations, and researchers to collaborate on a global scale. Promote the use of standardized classifications like the ICD to facilitate data sharing, comparison, and analysis. By working together, we can address health challenges more effectively and ensure universal access to quality healthcare.


The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) serves as a vital tool in healthcare, providing a standardized system for classifying diseases and health conditions. Its role in promoting international comparability, data analysis, and decision-making cannot be overstated. Additionally, the power of narrative plays a significant role in our understanding of ourselves and uniting humanity. By embracing narratives and the insights they offer, we can foster empathy, bridge cultural divides, and work towards a healthier and more harmonious world. It is crucial to stay informed about the ICD and advocate for international collaboration in healthcare to ensure the well-being of individuals and communities worldwide.

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