"A Beginner’s Guide to Energy Systems in the Human Body: How the Availability Heuristic Affects Your Decision Making"

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Feb 08, 2024

3 min read


"A Beginner’s Guide to Energy Systems in the Human Body: How the Availability Heuristic Affects Your Decision Making"

When it comes to understanding the energy systems in our bodies, it's important to start with the basics. After we consume our meals, the foods we eat are broken down into macronutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, and fats. These macronutrients are then processed further by our bodies into simple compounds that store the energy to be used. Glucose from carbohydrates, amino acids from protein, and fatty acids from fats are all absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to various cells throughout the body.

But how does this relate to decision making and the availability heuristic? The availability heuristic is a mental shortcut that we often use when making decisions. Coined by psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, this heuristic operates under the principle that if we can easily think of something, it must be important.

So how does this heuristic work? When faced with a decision, our minds tend to bring to the forefront related events or situations that we've recently encountered. We then judge that these events are more frequent or probable than others. For example, if we've seen several news reports about car thefts, we might overestimate the likelihood of vehicle theft in our area.

In some cases, the availability heuristic can be helpful. It allows us to quickly arrive at a conclusion when we lack the time or resources to thoroughly investigate. However, it can also lead to incorrect decisions. By overestimating the probability of certain events based on their availability in our thoughts, we may overlook other important factors or make biased judgments.

Understanding the connection between energy systems in the body and decision making can provide unique insights into how our minds work. Just as the body processes macronutrients into energy-storing compounds, our minds process information and experiences to inform our decision-making processes.

To make better decisions and avoid falling into the availability heuristic trap, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Seek diverse perspectives: When faced with a decision, make an effort to gather diverse perspectives and information. By considering a variety of sources, you can broaden your understanding of the topic and avoid relying solely on easily available information.
  • 2. Challenge your assumptions: Take a step back and critically evaluate the assumptions you're making. Ask yourself if your judgments are based on solid evidence or if they are influenced by the availability of certain information in your mind. By questioning your assumptions, you can potentially uncover hidden biases and make more rational decisions.
  • 3. Take time for reflection: Instead of making snap judgments, give yourself time to reflect and consider all the available information. By allowing yourself space for thoughtful analysis, you can reduce the influence of the availability heuristic and make more informed decisions.

In conclusion, understanding the energy systems in the human body and the availability heuristic can provide valuable insights into how we make decisions. By recognizing the connection between these two concepts, we can take steps to overcome biases and make more rational choices. By seeking diverse perspectives, challenging our assumptions, and taking time for reflection, we can avoid falling into the availability heuristic trap and make decisions that are more aligned with our goals and values.

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