The Intersections of Anthropology and Innovation: Ruth Benedict, Margaret Mead, and Idealog

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 03, 2023

4 min read


The Intersections of Anthropology and Innovation: Ruth Benedict, Margaret Mead, and Idealog


In the world of anthropology, few names stand out as prominently as Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead. These trailblazing women not only made significant contributions to their field but also played a crucial role in challenging societal norms surrounding women in the workforce. Their work paved the way for future generations of female anthropologists and scholars, inspiring them to pursue their passions and make their mark. Interestingly, the world of innovation and entrepreneurship has also seen a rise in platforms dedicated to promoting technology, design, and innovation. One such platform is Idealog, a quarterly magazine, daily news website, and event organizer. While seemingly different, these two realms share common points, reflecting the evolving nature of society and the interconnectedness of various disciplines.

Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead: A Dynamic Duo:

Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead were not only esteemed anthropologists but also friends and colleagues who shared a passion for each other's work. Despite the prevailing belief that women were not suited for intellectual pursuits, they shattered stereotypes and demonstrated that working women could achieve success in male-dominated fields. Through their groundbreaking research and writings, Benedict and Mead challenged conventional thinking and opened up new possibilities for women in academia and beyond. Their relationship, which began as a professional companionship, also had an intriguing erotic undertone, as hinted at in Mead's memoir about her parents. This adds another layer of complexity and depth to their story, showcasing their resilience and determination to break barriers and forge their own paths.

The Intersection of Anthropology and Innovation:

While anthropology may seem worlds apart from the realm of innovation and entrepreneurship, there are surprising parallels between the two. Both fields require the ability to think critically, challenge existing norms, and embrace diversity. Benedict and Mead's insistence on studying the relationships between personality, art, language, and culture aligns with the interdisciplinary approach often seen in innovation-driven endeavors. Just as Benedict redirected anthropology away from narrow cultural studies, innovation seeks to expand boundaries and explore new possibilities. Both fields emphasize the importance of performance and interpretation, recognizing that no trait or idea exists in isolation or self-sufficiency.

Enter Idealog: Bridging the Gap:

In the contemporary landscape of technology, design, and innovation, platforms like Idealog have emerged to foster collaboration, inspire creativity, and showcase groundbreaking ideas. With its quarterly magazine, daily news website, live events, and newsletter, Idealog provides a space for individuals and organizations to share their stories, innovations, and insights. Much like Benedict and Mead's desire to dislodge stereotypes about women, Idealog aims to challenge the status quo and demonstrate that innovation is not limited to a select few but can be embraced by anyone with a passion for change.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace interdisciplinary thinking: Just as Benedict and Mead looked beyond the confines of their respective fields, individuals in the world of innovation can benefit from adopting an interdisciplinary approach. By drawing from diverse disciplines, such as anthropology, sociology, and psychology, entrepreneurs and innovators can gain fresh perspectives and uncover new opportunities.
  • 2. Challenge societal norms: Benedict and Mead's determination to challenge stereotypes about women serves as a powerful reminder that societal expectations should not limit one's aspirations. In the world of innovation, it is essential to challenge existing norms and push boundaries. By doing so, individuals can pave the way for new ideas and approaches that have the potential to transform industries.
  • 3. Foster collaboration and inclusivity: Both anthropology and innovation thrive on collaboration and inclusivity. Benedict and Mead's friendship and professional partnership exemplify the power of collaboration in driving progress. In the realm of innovation, fostering diverse and inclusive teams can lead to richer problem-solving, increased creativity, and more sustainable solutions.


The stories of Ruth Benedict, Margaret Mead, and Idealog demonstrate the interconnectedness of various disciplines and the potential for cross-pollination of ideas. While seemingly disparate, anthropology and innovation share commonalities in their pursuit of understanding, challenging existing norms, and embracing diversity. By drawing inspiration from these trailblazers and platforms like Idealog, individuals can push boundaries, challenge societal expectations, and make meaningful contributions to their respective fields. As we continue to evolve as a society, it is crucial to recognize and celebrate the intersections between seemingly unrelated disciplines, as they hold the potential to shape our future in unexpected and transformative ways.

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