The Secret of the St. Princess Olga: Operating a Superyacht for the World's Wealthiest

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jul 19, 2023

3 min read


The Secret of the St. Princess Olga: Operating a Superyacht for the World's Wealthiest

Owning a superyacht is a dream for many, but it remains a luxury reserved only for the world's wealthiest individuals. Towergate Insurance reveals that the costs associated with running a yacht are astronomical. From crew salaries to maintenance, insurance, and dockage fees, the expenses quickly add up. To put it into perspective, fuel costs alone can reach up to 500 liters per hour, which translates to almost US$ 2000 per hour.

In the world of advertising, one name stands out as a creative compass - John Hunt, the Worldwide Creative Director of TBWA. With his visionary approach, he has reshaped the network's thinking, moving away from traditional ads and focusing more on ideas. In 1983, John and his partners founded TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris, an agency that lives by the mantra "Life's too short to be mediocre."

One of John's notable initiatives is the "SWAT" program, which ensures a global answer to the creative questions often posed by worldwide clients. This initiative has been instrumental in providing innovative solutions and pushing the boundaries of creativity. Through the "SWAT" program, John has been able to bring together a diverse group of talented individuals from different parts of the world to collaborate and create groundbreaking ideas.

John's creative genius extends beyond the realm of advertising. He was named South African Playwright of the Year for his play, Vid Alex, which boldly condemned censorship during the apartheid years. Additionally, he has also published a book titled "The Art of the Idea: And How It Can Change Your Life," where he shares his insights and experiences on the power of ideas.

Looking at these two seemingly unrelated topics - operating a superyacht and the creative genius of John Hunt - we can find some common points and connect them naturally. Both require a deep understanding of luxury, exclusivity, and the pursuit of excellence. Just as owning a superyacht is a symbol of immense wealth, John's work in advertising represents the pinnacle of creativity and innovation.

So, what can we take away from these two worlds colliding? Here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace the power of ideas: Whether you're operating a superyacht or working in advertising, ideas are the driving force behind success. Just as John Hunt revolutionized the advertising industry by shifting the focus from ads to ideas, yacht owners and operators can find innovative ways to make their ventures stand out.
  • 2. Foster collaboration and diversity: John's "SWAT" program brought together individuals from different backgrounds and cultures to create a global answer to creative questions. Similarly, yacht owners and operators can benefit from diverse perspectives and collaboration. By bringing together experts from various fields, you can ensure a holistic approach to running a superyacht.
  • 3. Strive for excellence: Both operating a superyacht and creating groundbreaking advertising campaigns require a relentless pursuit of excellence. Set high standards for yourself and your team, and never settle for mediocrity. Just as John Hunt's mantra states, "Life's too short to be mediocre," the same applies to the world of luxury yachts.

In conclusion, the secret behind the St. Princess Olga and the creative genius of John Hunt lies in their shared commitment to luxury, exclusivity, and excellence. By embracing the power of ideas, fostering collaboration and diversity, and striving for excellence, both yacht owners and advertising professionals can make their mark on their respective industries. So, whether you're navigating the waters on a superyacht or creating groundbreaking campaigns, remember that greatness lies in the pursuit of the extraordinary.

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