"The Intersection of Ancient Martial Arts and Cutting-Edge Technology: Unveiling the Future of Combat Sports and Augmented Reality"

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Oct 17, 2023

4 min read


"The Intersection of Ancient Martial Arts and Cutting-Edge Technology: Unveiling the Future of Combat Sports and Augmented Reality"


In the realm of combat sports, Brazilian jujitsu has long been revered as a pivotal element in mixed martial arts (M.M.A). However, one man has taken this ancient art form and transformed it into a modern science. Meet John Danaher, a renowned jujitsu master who has revolutionized the world of submission-only jujitsu. In recent years, Danaher has shifted his focus from M.M.A. fighters to the development of pure, no-holds-barred jujitsu, devoid of punches, kicks, and the complexities of traditional scoring systems. This article explores the remarkable journey of Danaher and his Death Squad, as well as the convergence of ancient martial arts and cutting-edge technology.

The Rise of Danaher and the Death Squad:

Danaher, often described as "scary smart, superbly calculated, and logical," rose to prominence through his work with M.M.A. fighters. Firas Zahabi, renowned coach to Georges St-Pierre, hailed Danaher as a formidable intellect. However, Danaher's attention gradually veered towards the development of pure submission-only jujitsu. At Renzo Gracie Academy, Danaher trains the Death Squad, a group of dedicated grapplers who strive to systematize "the art and science of control that leads to submission." This innovative jujitsu class has become a breeding ground for groundbreaking research and has garnered attention for its unique approach to the sport.

The Art and Science of Control:

Within the Death Squad, individual members bring their distinctive skills to the table. Gary Tonon, known for his prowess in chaotic scrambles, and Eddie Cummings, a former physicist with a penchant for calculated leg locks, epitomize the diverse skill set of the team. Meanwhile, the sixteen-year-old prodigy Nicky Ryan showcases preternatural calm and consistently defeats adult black belts. A key principle that drives their success is the creation of subsystems within systems. By building specialized knowledge in specific positions, the Death Squad gains a significant advantage over their opponents, ultimately leading to their dominance in the sport.

The Legacy of Brazilian Jujitsu:

To truly understand the significance of Danaher's work, it is essential to delve into the roots of Brazilian jujitsu. In the city of Belém, Brazil, jujitsu was taught to a teenager named Carlos Gracie, who went on to share his knowledge with his brother Hélio. The Gracie brothers revolutionized combat sports by introducing a system that relied on leverage rather than size or strength. This fundamental shift in approach enabled smaller individuals to overcome larger opponents, forever changing the landscape of martial arts.

The AR Metaverse and the AR Cloud:

While Danaher and the Death Squad continue to innovate within the realm of combat sports, another technological revolution is brewing in the form of augmented reality (AR). Niantic, the company behind the popular game Pokémon Go, plans to launch a 3D map for the AR Metaverse at the end of May. This ambitious project aims to recreate our real environment as a digital twin, culminating in the creation of the AR Cloud. The AR Cloud is envisioned as a 3D coordinate system for the real world, allowing users to seamlessly interact with virtual elements in their physical surroundings.

The Convergence of Ancient Martial Arts and Cutting-Edge Technology:

The convergence of ancient martial arts and cutting-edge technology may seem unlikely at first glance. However, Danaher's innovative approach to jujitsu and Niantic's vision for the AR Cloud share common ground. Both endeavors strive to understand and manipulate the complexities of the physical world. Whether it is the intricate movements of the human body in combat or the accurate mapping of our surroundings in augmented reality, these pursuits require a deep understanding of the underlying systems at play.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace Specialization: Just as the Death Squad leverages specialized knowledge in specific positions, individuals in any field can benefit from honing their expertise in niche areas. By becoming the go-to authority in a particular domain, you can establish a knowledge asymmetry that sets you apart from your competition.
  • 2. Embrace Change and Innovation: Danaher's shift in focus from M.M.A. to submission-only jujitsu showcases the importance of embracing change and adapting to new trends. Similarly, in the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, it is crucial to stay abreast of emerging developments and be willing to pivot when necessary.
  • 3. Explore Interdisciplinary Connections: The convergence of martial arts and augmented reality highlights the power of interdisciplinary connections. By seeking inspiration and insights from diverse fields, you can uncover unique perspectives and drive innovation in unexpected ways.


As we witness the transformation of ancient martial arts into modern sciences and the fusion of physical and virtual worlds through augmented reality, it becomes evident that innovation knows no bounds. Whether it is John Danaher revolutionizing jujitsu or Niantic paving the way for the AR Cloud, these endeavors push the boundaries of what is possible. By embracing specialization, change, and interdisciplinary connections, individuals and industries can chart their path towards a future defined by innovation and progress.

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