The Dangers of Fame and Mismanagement

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jun 25, 2023

2 min read


The Dangers of Fame and Mismanagement

Being a celebrity can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it brings attention and adoration from fans, but on the other, it can make even the most mundane aspects of life into a public spectacle. This was the case for a Lotto TV star who almost lost her daughter when she went missing. Similarly, a pandemic-era star found herself struggling due to mismanagement at Patreon.

Both stories highlight the importance of proper management in the public eye. In the case of the Lotto TV star, her daughter's disappearance became a national news story, and she was forced to navigate the media frenzy while also dealing with the trauma of almost losing her child. This event serves as a reminder that fame can have serious consequences, and it's essential to have a support system in place for when things go wrong.

Similarly, the pandemic-era star at Patreon found herself struggling due to mismanagement. Despite having a large following and a successful career, she was unable to access the funds she needed during a difficult time because of internal issues at the company. This story highlights the importance of proper management in the business world and how even the most successful people can be affected by poor decision-making.

Ultimately, both stories serve as a reminder that fame and success come with their own unique challenges. Whether it's dealing with the media spotlight or navigating the corporate world, it's essential to have a support system and proper management in place. By being proactive and surrounding ourselves with reliable people, we can ensure that our success doesn't come at the cost of our mental health or well-being.

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