This quote from Inspiring Communities highlights the importance of collaboration and community involvement in addressing complex issues. It emphasizes the need for a cross-sector effort and the inclusion of local knowledge and wisdom. This idea resonates with the principles and practices of Dow's Idea Factory, as both focus on nurturing and sharing ideas, as well as encouraging open dialogue and diverse perspectives.

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Mar 08, 2024

3 min read


This quote from Inspiring Communities highlights the importance of collaboration and community involvement in addressing complex issues. It emphasizes the need for a cross-sector effort and the inclusion of local knowledge and wisdom. This idea resonates with the principles and practices of Dow's Idea Factory, as both focus on nurturing and sharing ideas, as well as encouraging open dialogue and diverse perspectives.

John J. Grebe, the leader of Dow's Idea Factory, believed that ideas rarely arrive until one is thoroughly prepared to receive them. He created an environment where employees were given the freedom to spend 10 percent of their time on projects or ideas they preferred, leading to breakthrough innovations such as the SARANā„¢ resin and Saran Wrapā„¢ plastic wrap family of products. This practice aligns with the notion that sustainable change requires focused and determined effort, as mentioned by Inspiring Communities.

Both Dow's Idea Factory and Inspiring Communities recognize the value of interdisciplinary collaboration. John's laboratory at Dow used a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together specialists from different fields to ensure that each team member contributed a unique expertise. This approach fostered open discussion and awareness of what others were working on, promoting a collaborative and innovative work environment. Similarly, Inspiring Communities emphasizes the need for cross-sector effort, recognizing that sustainable change requires the involvement and wisdom of diverse stakeholders.

Furthermore, both Dow's Idea Factory and Inspiring Communities acknowledge the significance of creating physical spaces that encourage open dialogue and interaction. John carefully thought through the layout of his laboratory to ensure that team members had to walk past their colleagues, promoting communication and the sharing of ideas. Similarly, Inspiring Communities emphasizes the need for active engagement with local communities, recognizing that sustainable change happens when diverse voices are heard and valued.

Incorporating unique ideas or insights, it is worth noting that both Dow's Idea Factory and Inspiring Communities prioritize the empowerment of individuals and the cultivation of curiosity and creativity. John believed that talking over a project with others enhances its value and progress, highlighting the importance of collaboration and collective intelligence. Dow continues to encourage its researchers to think differently and tap into their innate curiosity and creativity to develop solutions to complex global challenges. Similarly, Inspiring Communities emphasizes the need for focused and determined effort, actively engaging the wisdom of local communities. This suggests that sustainable change requires both individual empowerment and collective action.

In conclusion, Dow's Idea Factory and Inspiring Communities share common points in their approach to addressing complex challenges. Both value collaboration, interdisciplinary efforts, and the inclusion of diverse perspectives. They recognize the importance of creating physical spaces and environments that promote open dialogue and interaction. Additionally, they prioritize individual empowerment, curiosity, and creativity as essential elements in driving sustainable change. To apply these principles in practice, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Foster a culture of open dialogue and collaboration within your organization or community. Encourage diverse perspectives and create spaces that facilitate interaction and the sharing of ideas.
  • 2. Actively engage with stakeholders from different sectors and backgrounds. Recognize that sustainable change requires cross-sector effort and the inclusion of local knowledge and wisdom.
  • 3. Empower individuals and cultivate curiosity and creativity. Encourage individuals to think differently and tap into their innate curiosity to develop innovative solutions to complex challenges.

By adopting these practices, we can create a culture of innovation and collaboration, paving the way for sustainable change and impactful solutions to the challenges we face.

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