Uniting Human Values and Nature's Strategies: Exploring AI Alignment and Squirrel Behavior

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jul 08, 2023

4 min read


Uniting Human Values and Nature's Strategies: Exploring AI Alignment and Squirrel Behavior


In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) research, the question of how to train AI systems to align with human values has been a subject of great controversy. Critics argue that AI systems may learn policies that are incompatible with human values, raising concerns about "value alignment." At the same time, nature presents its own strategies for resource redistribution, as seen in the fascinating relationship between acorns and squirrels. This article delves into the intersection of human-centered mechanism design with democratic AI and explores the nutty truth about acorns and squirrels, ultimately finding common ground and valuable insights.

Human-Centered Mechanism Design with Democratic AI:

To address the challenge of training AI systems that align with human values, researchers have turned to deep reinforcement learning (RL) as a testbed for exploration. By directly maximizing the stated preferences or votes of a group of people, AI systems can learn to produce human-compatible solutions. The concept of redistributing resources based on relative rather than absolute contribution is a key aspect of this approach. By accounting for each player's initial means and willingness to contribute, the AI ensures that humans remain an essential part of the decision-making process. However, further research is needed to strike a balance between the preferences of majority and minority groups, thus necessitating the design of democratic systems that amplify all voices.

Lessons from Acorns and Squirrels:

In nature, the distribution of resources is also a complex phenomenon, as observed in the relationship between oak trees, their acorns, and squirrels. Different types of oak trees, namely red and white oaks, have distinct chemical compositions in their acorns. Red oak acorns are rich in fats but contain tannins, compounds used for tanning hides. On the other hand, white oak acorns are lower in fat content and tannins. This difference in chemical makeup plays a role in squirrel behavior.

Squirrels have been observed to consume white oak acorns on the spot, while they tend to eat only the top half of red oak acorns. The higher concentration of tannins near the bottom of the red acorns, where the embryo is located, influences the squirrels' choices. If a red acorn germinates before the squirrel can retrieve it, a significant portion of its stored energy goes towards the seedling rather than benefiting the squirrel. This observation highlights the intricate relationship between nature's strategies for resource distribution and the behavior of squirrels.

Connecting the Dots:

Both the human-centered mechanism design with democratic AI and the relationship between acorns and squirrels shed light on the importance of considering context and individual preferences in resource redistribution. AI systems can learn to align with human values by directly maximizing stated preferences, just as squirrels make choices based on the chemical composition of acorns. Incorporating the lessons from nature, democratic systems can be designed to ensure that all voices are heard, striking a balance between the majority and minority groups' preferences.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Foster Transparency and User Involvement: To align AI systems with human values, it is crucial to involve users in the decision-making process. Transparency in how AI systems learn and make decisions empowers users to provide feedback and influence their behavior.
  • 2. Embrace Contextual Considerations: Just as squirrels consider the chemical makeup of acorns, AI systems should take into account the nuances of different situations and the preferences of individuals or groups involved. Contextual awareness can lead to fairer and safer policies.
  • 3. Continual Research and Collaboration: The quest for AI systems that align with human values is an ongoing endeavor. Researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders must collaborate to understand the complexities of value alignment and create mechanisms that bridge the gap between AI and human values effectively.


By combining the concepts of human-centered mechanism design with democratic AI and the intriguing relationship between acorns and squirrels, we gain valuable insights into the challenges and potential solutions for aligning AI systems with human values. Drawing inspiration from nature's strategies and incorporating democratic principles, we can build AI systems that are safe, fair, and respectful of human preferences. Embracing transparency, contextual considerations, and continued collaboration will pave the way for a future where AI operates in harmony with human values and the natural world.

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