The Intersection of Virtual Reality and Perceptual Reality: Insights and Opportunities

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jun 28, 2023

3 min read


The Intersection of Virtual Reality and Perceptual Reality: Insights and Opportunities


Virtual reality (VR) has been making significant strides in recent years, with Meta's social VR platform Horizon Worlds gaining 300,000 users. At the same time, the work of Donald D. Hoffman, a renowned psychologist, challenges our understanding of perception and reality. In this article, we explore the common points between these two domains and discuss the potential implications for the future.

The Rise of Horizon Worlds:

Meta's ambitious project, Horizon Worlds, has garnered attention in the VR community. With 300,000 users and 10,000 separate worlds built to date, it has become a popular platform for social interactions and live events in VR. The integration of avatars and basic mechanics across Horizon Worlds and Horizon Venues has contributed to its success.

Perception and Conscious Realism:

Donald D. Hoffman, a prominent figure in the field of psychology, proposes the "multimodal user interface" (MUI) theory of perception and "conscious realism." According to MUI theory, our perceptual experiences do not align with the objective world but instead provide a simplified, species-specific user interface. Hoffman argues that conscious beings have evolved to perceive the world in a way that maximizes fitness payoffs rather than accurately representing reality.

Connecting VR and Perception:

The connection between VR and perception becomes apparent when we consider how VR can potentially shape our understanding of reality. Just as Hoffman suggests that our perception is a simplified interface, VR offers a curated experience of the world. By immersing ourselves in virtual environments, we willingly suspend our disbelief and accept the constructed reality before us.

Implications for the Future:

  • 1. Enhanced Empathy and Perspective-Taking: VR has the potential to foster empathy by allowing users to step into the shoes of others and experience different perspectives. By leveraging the principles of conscious realism, VR experiences can be designed to challenge preconceived notions and broaden our understanding of the world.
  • 2. Therapeutic Applications: The combination of VR and perception theories opens up new possibilities in the field of therapy. Virtual environments can be tailored to address specific psychological conditions, providing a safe and controlled space for individuals to confront their fears or traumas. This approach aligns with the idea that our perception of reality is malleable and subject to change.
  • 3. Ethical Considerations: As VR becomes more immersive and realistic, ethical questions arise. If our perception is already a constructed interface, what are the implications of immersing ourselves in alternate realities? How might this impact our sense of self and our relationship with the physical world? These questions require careful consideration as VR technology continues to evolve.


The convergence of Meta's Horizon Worlds and Donald D. Hoffman's theories on perception opens up exciting possibilities for the future of VR. By understanding the limitations of our perceptual experiences and leveraging the immersive nature of VR, we can create transformative experiences that enhance empathy, facilitate therapy, and prompt important ethical discussions. As the VR landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial to embrace these insights and navigate the potential ramifications responsibly.

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