The Intersection of Bookforum and N O R M A L S' Dystopian Vision

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jul 06, 2023

3 min read


The Intersection of Bookforum and N O R M A L S' Dystopian Vision


In the vast landscape of literary and cultural publications, Bookforum stands out as a platform that consistently challenges the status quo. For over 25 years, it has provided a space for authors to critically analyze books and cultural trends, offering readers a distinctive perspective on a wide range of topics. On the other hand, N O R M A L S, a graphic novel series, delves into a troubling world where hyper-mediated futures dominate. While seemingly unrelated, these two entities share common ground in their exploration of the impact of technology on our lives and the way we perceive reality.

Bookforum's Wide-Ranging Exploration:

Bookforum's commitment to intellectual curiosity and critical insight is evident in the diverse array of topics it covers. Its contributors delve into fiction, history, feminism, current events, fashion, film, music, and pop culture, offering readers a multifaceted understanding of the world around them. By inviting authors to address emerging trends and shed new light on well-known works, Bookforum challenges complacency and encourages readers to engage with the ideas that shape our moment.

N O R M A L S' Dystopian Vision:

The first three instalments of N O R M A L S' graphic novel series paint a disconcerting picture of a hyper-mediated future. The creators envision a world where digital overlays, augmented reality, and other technologies have fragmented the form and function of everyday objects. They propose that most visual information, from product labels to personal attire, will eventually be digitized and remain in a permanent state of virtual existence. This portrayal raises questions about the impact of technology on our perception of reality and the ways in which our lives are increasingly mediated by digital interfaces.

Exploring the Intersection:

At first glance, Bookforum and N O R M A L S may seem like unrelated entities. However, both platforms explore the influence of technology on our lives and challenge conventional thinking. Bookforum's essays and reviews provide readers with critical insights into emerging authors and cultural trends, while N O R M A L S' graphic novel series offers a visual representation of a dystopian future shaped by hyper-mediated realities. By examining these works side by side, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between technology, culture, and the way we perceive the world.

Connecting the Dots:

One common thread that emerges from the exploration of Bookforum and N O R M A L S is the role of digitization in transforming our everyday experiences. Bookforum's prediction that visual information and semiotic elements will be digitized aligns with N O R M A L S' portrayal of a future where technology permeates every aspect of our lives. Both entities raise important questions about the potential consequences of this digitization and its impact on our understanding of reality.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace Critical Thinking: In an increasingly digitized world, it is essential to approach information with a critical mindset. Be discerning about the sources you trust and take the time to analyze the ideas presented to you.
  • 2. Engage with Diverse Perspectives: Expand your intellectual horizons by seeking out diverse perspectives on books, culture, and technology. Challenge your own assumptions and actively seek out viewpoints that differ from your own.
  • 3. Reflect on the Impact of Technology: Take a moment to reflect on the ways in which technology shapes your daily life. Consider the potential consequences of increased digitization and develop a balanced approach to incorporating technology into your routines.


Bookforum and N O R M A L S may seem like disparate entities, but their exploration of the impact of technology on our lives and the way we perceive reality brings them together. Both challenge complacency and encourage readers to engage critically with the ideas that shape our world. By embracing critical thinking and actively seeking diverse perspectives, we can navigate the intricacies of a hyper-mediated future while retaining our sense of self and understanding of the world around us.

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