"Exploring the Intersection of Economics and Wellbeing: Insights from John Kay and Dr. Chloe Wong"

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jan 17, 2024

3 min read


"Exploring the Intersection of Economics and Wellbeing: Insights from John Kay and Dr. Chloe Wong"


In today's interconnected world, understanding the complexities of both economics and wellbeing is crucial. In this article, we will explore the common points between the insights of renowned economist John Kay and Dr. Chloe Wong, a senior lecturer in epigenetics. By delving into their perspectives on the relationship between business and society, the role of the state, decision-making in uncertainty, and the impact of behaviors and environment on our genes, we can gain valuable insights into navigating these realms effectively.

The Relationship Between Business and Society:

Both John Kay and Dr. Chloe Wong touch upon the interplay between business and society. Kay argues that the commonly presented description of how markets work is flawed. He challenges the notion that greed is the dominant human motivation and emphasizes that there are different kinds of market economies shaped by specific social contexts. Similarly, Dr. Wong's work in epigenetics highlights how our behaviors and environment can influence the way our genes function. This intersection between business and society reminds us of the importance of considering the broader impacts of economic decisions on individuals and communities.

The Role of the State:

Kay criticizes the limited role assigned to the state in the commonly presented description of markets. He suggests that the state should go beyond enforcing property rights and contracts to provide a basic welfare safety net. This aligns with the idea that economic systems should prioritize the well-being of all individuals. Dr. Wong's research also sheds light on the potential impact of societal factors on our genes. By recognizing the role of the state in creating an environment that promotes well-being, we can work towards more inclusive and equitable economic systems.

Decision-Making in Uncertainty:

Kay emphasizes the challenges of decision-making in a world characterized by fundamental uncertainty. He argues for the importance of taking financial management into our own hands, providing practical guidance for individuals navigating complex economic landscapes. Similarly, Dr. Wong's work in epigenetics highlights the significance of understanding how our behaviors and environment can shape our genes. This understanding can empower individuals to make informed decisions that positively impact their well-being.

The Impact of Behaviors and Environment on Genes:

Dr. Wong's expertise in epigenetics sheds light on the fascinating field of how our behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way our genes function. The notion of ancestral trauma being genetically passed down challenges conventional beliefs, suggesting that the impact may not be as straightforward as previously thought. This highlights the need for further research and exploration in this emerging field.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Foster a holistic understanding: Acknowledge the interdependence between economics and well-being. Consider the broader societal impacts of economic decisions and strive for inclusive and equitable systems.
  • 2. Take charge of your financial management: In a world of uncertainty, empower yourself by gaining financial literacy and making informed decisions. Seek practical guidance to navigate complex economic landscapes effectively.
  • 3. Prioritize well-being in decision-making: Recognize the influence of behaviors and environment on genes. Make choices that promote personal and societal well-being, taking into account the long-term implications.


By combining the insights of John Kay and Dr. Chloe Wong, we gain a deeper understanding of the intersection between economics and well-being. Their perspectives highlight the importance of considering the broader impacts of economic decisions, the role of the state in creating inclusive systems, the challenges of decision-making in uncertainty, and the fascinating influence of behaviors and environment on our genes. By incorporating the actionable advice discussed, we can strive for more holistic and balanced approaches to navigating the complex realms of economics and well-being.

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