The Intersection of Quality Journalism and Mental Health in the Digital Age

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Feb 14, 2024

4 min read


The Intersection of Quality Journalism and Mental Health in the Digital Age

In today's fast-paced digital era, access to quality journalism is essential for a healthy democracy. The Conversation Australia and New Zealand, a unique collaboration between academics and journalists, is at the forefront of providing research-based news and analysis. With a clear purpose of promoting access to quality explanatory journalism, this not-for-profit organization has become the world's leading publisher in its field.

One interesting aspect of The Conversation's work is their commitment to making their content freely available to read and republish under Creative Commons. By doing so, they ensure that knowledge and insights from academics are accessible to a wide range of readers. This collaborative effort between academics, journalists, and digital technology experts allows for the creation of easy-to-read articles that bridge the gap between research and the general public.

Trust plays a vital role in The Conversation's mission. Authors and editors must adhere to the organization's Editorial Charter and Community Standards. Authors are only allowed to write on topics in which they have expertise, and any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed. This commitment to transparency and integrity sets The Conversation apart as a reliable source of information.

The Conversation's team is led by Editor Misha Ketchell and CEO Lisa Watts. Their funding comes from partnerships with universities, research sectors, philanthropic organizations, and individual donors. This diverse range of support ensures the organization's independence and allows them to continue providing quality journalism.

In 2011, The Conversation was founded in Melbourne, and in 2017, it expanded to include Aotearoa New Zealand. Today, all eight universities in New Zealand are members of The Conversation. This expansion showcases the organization's commitment to bringing research-based news and analysis to a wider audience.

The Conversation's impact has extended beyond Australia and New Zealand, as it now has a global network of sister sites in Indonesia, Spain, the UK, US, France, Africa, and Canada. This global reach highlights the importance of quality journalism in fostering informed discussions and promoting democratic values worldwide.

One topic that The Conversation explores is the relationship between intelligence and mental illness. Research has shown that individuals with a higher IQ may be more prone to mental health issues. A survey conducted with members of MENSA, an organization for high IQ individuals, revealed that a higher IQ can lead to a greater awareness of one's surroundings, making intelligent people more susceptible to chronic stress responses.

Dr. Nicole Tetreault, co-author of the study, explains that intelligent individuals may experience a hyper body response triggered by minor stimuli such as clothing tags or unnatural sounds. This chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system can lead to immune changes in both the body and the brain, affecting behavior, mood, and overall functioning.

Understanding the intersection between intelligence and mental health is crucial for addressing the unique challenges faced by highly intelligent individuals. By recognizing the potential triggers and stressors they may face, steps can be taken to mitigate the impact on their well-being.

In conclusion, The Conversation Australia and New Zealand sets an example for quality journalism in the digital age. By bringing together academics, journalists, and digital technology experts, they provide access to research-based news and analysis for a wide audience. Their commitment to transparency, integrity, and trust ensures that their content remains reliable and trustworthy.

Three actionable pieces of advice that can be derived from their work are:

  • 1. Prioritize mental health: Intelligence comes with its challenges, and it's crucial to prioritize mental health. Highly intelligent individuals should be aware of potential triggers and stressors and seek appropriate support when needed.
  • 2. Foster collaboration: The success of The Conversation lies in its collaborative approach. By bringing together experts from different fields, they create a platform for knowledge-sharing and bridge the gap between academia and the general public. Emulating this collaboration in other areas can lead to innovative solutions and a better-informed society.
  • 3. Support quality journalism: In an era of misinformation and fake news, supporting organizations like The Conversation that prioritize research-based journalism is more important than ever. By engaging with their content, sharing it, and supporting their funding initiatives, individuals can contribute to the dissemination of accurate and reliable information.

In a world where information is readily available but not always trustworthy, organizations like The Conversation Australia and New Zealand play a vital role in promoting evidence-based journalism. By combining the expertise of academics and journalists, they provide a platform for informed discussions and contribute to a healthier democracy.

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