"The Intersection of Web3 and Literary Expression: Altered State Machine Gen II Brains and the Prostory Editorial Board"

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Oct 13, 2023

3 min read


"The Intersection of Web3 and Literary Expression: Altered State Machine Gen II Brains and the Prostory Editorial Board"


In a world where news reports dominate our attention and photographs capture the essence of events, the Prostory Editorial Board is embarking on a unique journey to create a literary and art online journal. This endeavor aims to explore the interactions between various forms of expression and blur the lines where news and events transform into images, exhibitions, conversations, literature, literary translation, or protest actions. Coincidentally, the release of Altered State Machine Gen II Brains aligns with this vision, as it introduces a groundbreaking gamified web3 asset mining experience. In this article, we will delve into the common points between these two endeavors and highlight the significance of their intersection.

The ASM Cortex Platform and Web3 Staking Event:

The ASM Cortex Platform, through an interactive web3 staking event, invites holders of the $ASTO Token and ASTO Discovery Auction LP Tokens to participate in the world's first gamified web3 asset mining experience. By staking these assets, participants can generate "ASTO-Energy" on the ASM Cortex, which acts as the fuel for mining the latest collection of AI NFTs, Gen II Brains. This approach, driven by a lore-driven narrative, brings a new dimension to complex web3 experiences. The ASM Cortex's core Artificial Intelligence layer, powered by the patented Non Fungible IntelligenceTM protocol, lays the foundation for the future development of the Open Metaverse.

The Prostory Editorial Board's Mission:

While news reports capture our immediate attention, the Prostory Editorial Board recognizes the importance of preserving previous stories and events. Memory is selective, and literary works exist within the depths of this scorching stream of reactions, summaries, and retellings of events. The board's mission is to shed light on everyday reality, labor rights, private lives, and various ways of life that may go unnoticed. They aim to explore the convergence of different forms of expression and uncover the point where news and events transform into powerful literary translations, images, conversations, or even protest actions.

The Intersection:

The intersection between the ASM Cortex Platform and the Prostory Editorial Board lies in their shared goal of offering unique experiences and perspectives. While the ASM Cortex Platform introduces a groundbreaking web3 asset mining experience, the Prostory Editorial Board seeks to use literature and art to amplify the voices and stories that often remain invisible. Both endeavors strive to engage audiences in meaningful ways and push the boundaries of traditional narratives.

Unique Insights:

At this crossroads, it becomes evident that the power of storytelling and expression knows no bounds. By incorporating web3 technology and gamification elements, the ASM Cortex Platform transforms the act of mining AI NFTs into an immersive experience. Similarly, the Prostory Editorial Board embraces the fluidity of expression, allowing news and events to unfold into literary works that capture the essence of our society. This intersection showcases the endless possibilities when technology merges with creativity.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace the power of storytelling: Whether through web3 experiences or literary works, storytelling has the ability to captivate audiences and bring important narratives to the forefront. Explore different mediums and platforms to share your stories effectively.
  • 2. Seek diverse perspectives: Both the ASM Cortex Platform and the Prostory Editorial Board prioritize diverse voices and perspectives. When embarking on creative endeavors, make an effort to include a wide range of viewpoints to foster inclusivity and create a more comprehensive narrative.
  • 3. Push the boundaries of traditional narratives: Innovation often arises from challenging the status quo. Look for ways to disrupt traditional storytelling methods and embrace new technologies or approaches to engage audiences in unique and impactful ways.


The release of Altered State Machine Gen II Brains and the vision of the Prostory Editorial Board shed light on the exciting possibilities that arise when web3 technology and literary expression intersect. Both endeavors strive to create immersive experiences, amplify voices, and challenge traditional narratives. By embracing storytelling, seeking diverse perspectives, and pushing boundaries, we can all contribute to a more vibrant and inclusive creative landscape.

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