The Intersection of Environmental Sustainability and Human Wellbeing

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jun 12, 2024

3 min read


The Intersection of Environmental Sustainability and Human Wellbeing


In a world facing major global challenges, the need for progressive thinking and practical solutions has become paramount. The enlightened enterprise academy aims to provide a platform for forward-thinking individuals from various disciplines to share their ideas on how different systems can evolve to achieve sustainable prosperity and human flourishing. One such area of focus is the relationship between environmental sustainability and human wellbeing.

The Benefits of Nature on Wellbeing:

Numerous researchers have found compelling evidence that connection with nature has significant benefits for both physical and psychological wellbeing. Studies have shown that even a simple walk in nature, be it in a natural or urban setting, can boost one's mood and contribute to overall happiness. Lisa Nisbet, a psychologist studying connectedness to nature, emphasizes the positive impact of the natural world on human wellbeing, even when individuals are not physically immersed in nature.

Connecting Environmental Sustainability and Human Flourishing:

The concept of sustainable prosperity goes beyond material wealth and encompasses the idea of human flourishing and wellbeing. It recognizes the interdependence between the health of the environment and the health of society. By improving the design and management of various systems, such as natural, political, economic, social, technological, educational, and health systems, we can move towards a future where sustainable prosperity is widely shared.

Creating a Sustainable and Flourishing Future:

To achieve a future where sustainable prosperity and human flourishing are the cornerstones, we must take actionable steps to connect environmental sustainability and wellbeing. Here are three pieces of advice to consider:

1. Incorporate nature into urban planning:

As more people live in urban areas, it becomes crucial to integrate nature into urban planning. Green spaces, parks, and rooftop gardens can provide opportunities for individuals to connect with nature, improving their overall wellbeing. Additionally, incorporating sustainable design principles into urban infrastructure can help reduce the environmental impact of cities.

2. Promote nature-based solutions:

Nature-based solutions, such as reforestation, wetland restoration, and green infrastructure, have the potential to address both environmental and social challenges. By investing in these solutions, we can mitigate the impacts of climate change, promote biodiversity, and enhance human wellbeing simultaneously.

3. Foster environmental education and awareness:

Education plays a vital role in nurturing a sense of responsibility and connection with the natural world. By integrating environmental education into school curricula and promoting awareness campaigns, we can empower individuals to make informed choices that contribute to both environmental sustainability and personal wellbeing.


The intersection of environmental sustainability and human wellbeing is a critical aspect of creating a prosperous and flourishing future. By recognizing the benefits of nature on wellbeing and taking actionable steps to connect environmental sustainability and human flourishing, we can pave the way for a more harmonious relationship between humans and the natural world. Let us embrace the opportunity to reshape our systems and work towards a future where sustainable prosperity is measured in terms of human flourishing and wellbeing, rather than material wealth.

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