Embracing Proactive Social Innovation: Insights from Zenzeleni and u-lab 1x

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jul 27, 2023

3 min read


Embracing Proactive Social Innovation: Insights from Zenzeleni and u-lab 1x


In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, traditional approaches to solving societal challenges are no longer sufficient. To bring about meaningful change, there is a need for profound innovation that goes beyond the surface level. This article explores the transformative power of social innovation through two inspiring initiatives: Zenzeleni, a social innovation project led by Doctor Lashansky in Eastern Cape, and u-lab 1x, a program by the Presencing Institute that encourages a global community to envision a more sustainable future.

Zenzeleni: Nurturing Social Innovation in Eastern Cape

Zenzeleni, meaning "do it yourself" in isiXhosa, is a social innovation project spearheaded by Doctor Lashansky in the Eastern Cape. The project aims to empower communities by providing access to affordable and reliable telecommunications services. By utilizing locally owned and operated networks, Zenzeleni not only bridges the digital divide but also creates economic opportunities for marginalized communities. The success of Zenzeleni lies in its ability to engage the intelligence of the head, heart, and hand, fostering a holistic approach to social innovation.

u-lab 1x: Transforming Mindsets for a Sustainable Future

The u-lab 1x program, initiated by the Presencing Institute, recognizes that the challenges we face today require a profound shift in our thinking, engagement, and actions. By activating the intelligence of the head, heart, and hand, u-lab 1x invites individuals to join a global community that believes in the possibility of creating another world. Through a series of online courses, participants engage in deep reflection, dialogue, and prototyping to co-create innovative solutions to complex social issues. The program encourages a transformative mindset that goes beyond traditional problem-solving approaches.

Connecting the Dots: Shared Principles and Approaches

While Zenzeleni and u-lab 1x operate in different contexts, they share common principles and approaches that underpin their success:

  • 1. Empowerment through Local Ownership: Both initiatives recognize the importance of empowering communities by allowing them to take ownership of their solutions. Zenzeleni achieves this through locally owned and operated telecommunications networks, while u-lab 1x empowers participants to co-create innovative solutions by tapping into their unique perspectives and experiences.
  • 2. Holistic Engagement: Zenzeleni and u-lab 1x understand that true social innovation requires the activation of the head, heart, and hand. By engaging the intellect, emotions, and practical skills, these initiatives foster a holistic approach that leads to more sustainable and impactful outcomes.
  • 3. Systems Thinking: Both initiatives emphasize the need to think systemically and understand the interconnectedness of societal challenges. Zenzeleni recognizes that bridging the digital divide requires addressing economic, social, and technological factors, while u-lab 1x encourages participants to consider the broader systemic implications of their proposed solutions.

Actionable Advice for Social Innovators:

  • 1. Foster Local Ownership: When embarking on a social innovation project, prioritize community engagement and empower local stakeholders to take an active role in the design, implementation, and evaluation of solutions. This will ensure that solutions are contextually relevant and sustainable in the long term.
  • 2. Embrace Holistic Approaches: Activate the intelligence of the head, heart, and hand in your innovation process. Encourage diverse perspectives, emotional intelligence, and practical skills to foster comprehensive and transformative solutions.
  • 3. Think Systemically: Consider the broader system in which your innovation operates. Identify the interconnected factors that contribute to the societal challenge you aim to address and design solutions that address multiple dimensions of the problem.


The examples of Zenzeleni and u-lab 1x demonstrate the transformative power of social innovation and the importance of adopting holistic approaches to address complex societal challenges. By empowering local communities, engaging multiple intelligences, and thinking systemically, we can create sustainable and impactful solutions that have the potential to shape a better future. Let us embrace proactive social innovation and work together towards a more inclusive and resilient society.

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