The Intersection of Play and Distillation: Uncovering the Surprising Connection

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 19, 2023

4 min read


The Intersection of Play and Distillation: Uncovering the Surprising Connection

Play and distillation may seem like two completely unrelated topics, but upon closer examination, we can uncover some surprising connections between these seemingly disparate fields. The National Institute for Play has conducted extensive research on the benefits of play in various scientific disciplines, while the history of gin and distillation provides a fascinating backdrop that intertwines with the evolution of human knowledge and medicine. In this article, we will explore the common points between these two realms and shed light on the importance of play and the historical significance of distillation.

Behavioral Science Research and Play

Behavioral Sciences, a broad area of scientific study focusing on human behavior, cultures, and the mind, encompass various disciplines that delve into the study of play. Educational psychology, a branch within this field, investigates how humans learn, improve, and face challenges. Research within educational psychology has revealed that encouraging playful curiosity enhances learning outcomes, particularly in early childhood development.

Preschool, a critical stage of learning, often sees a shift from play-based instruction to a more rigid emphasis on memorization and measurable outcomes. However, studies have shown that this shift can have negative effects on children. When engaged curiosity is replaced with strict academic demands, children may experience more impulsive behavior, emotional problems, and difficulties in social interactions. On the other hand, children who have ample opportunities for play before starting formal schooling tend to outperform their peers who have been confined to teacher-led classrooms. These findings highlight the crucial role of play in facilitating optimal learning experiences for children.

The Historical Journey of Distillation

Now let's embark on a historical journey to explore the origins and evolution of distillation, which laid the foundation for the production of spirits such as gin. Distillation can be traced back to the Arab world, where it was later introduced to Europe through the Moors and their rule of Sicily during the Middle Ages. Benedictine monks in Salerno, Italy, are believed to have utilized distillation techniques to dissolve and preserve medicinal plants, including juniper, which still grows abundantly in the nearby hills.

The spread of distillation knowledge was greatly facilitated by the invention of the printing press in the 1440s by Johannes Gutenberg. This technological advancement allowed for the dissemination of knowledge on a larger scale. In 1500, Hieronymus Braunschweig, an Alsatian physician, published "Liber de Arte Destillandi" (The Book of the Art of Distillation), which described distilled spirits as "the mistress of all medicine." The Dutch are commonly credited with perfecting the art of distillation, particularly in transforming "low wines" into a stronger and purer spirit through secondary distillation. However, other regions, such as Cognac, also played significant roles in the early development of European distillation.

Juniper, the key botanical in gin, has a long history of medicinal use. A 1269 Dutch publication, "Der Naturen Bloeme" (the "flower" of nature or the book of nature) by Jacob van Maerlant te Damme, contains a written reference to a juniper-based tonic. Throughout the centuries, juniper-infused compounds were utilized to treat various stomach, kidney, and liver conditions. The Sloane Manuscripts, part of Sir Hans Sloane's bequest to the British nation in 1753, further document the historical significance of juniper and its medicinal properties.

Connecting the Dots

Upon closer examination, we can identify common points between the research on play and the historical journey of distillation. Both fields highlight the importance of human curiosity and the exploration of novel experiences. Playful curiosity, as emphasized in educational psychology, enhances learning outcomes and fosters cognitive development. Similarly, the advancements in distillation techniques were driven by a curiosity to discover new possibilities and refine existing processes.

Furthermore, both disciplines recognize the value of experimentation and the potential for unexpected outcomes. Play allows children to explore different scenarios and learn through trial and error. Similarly, distillation pioneers experimented with various botanicals and techniques to create unique spirits, often stumbling upon new flavors and properties.

Applying Insights to Everyday Life

Now that we have explored the surprising connection between play and distillation, let's extract actionable advice that can be applied to our everyday lives:

  • 1. Nurture Curiosity: Embrace a playful mindset and encourage curiosity in yourself and those around you. Engage in activities that spark your interest and allow for exploration and experimentation. By fostering curiosity, you create opportunities for growth and discovery.
  • 2. Embrace Experimentation: Don't be afraid to try new things and step outside of your comfort zone. Just as distillers discovered new flavors through experimentation, you can uncover hidden talents, passions, and opportunities by embracing a mindset of exploration and experimentation.
  • 3. Prioritize Play: Recognize the importance of play at every stage of life. Whether it's through recreational activities, hobbies, or simply allowing yourself to engage in moments of lightheartedness, play has numerous benefits for our overall well-being and cognitive development. Make time for play and reap the rewards.

In conclusion, the unexpected connection between play and distillation sheds light on the interconnectedness of various scientific disciplines and historical developments. By recognizing the value of play and embracing a mindset of curiosity and experimentation, we can unlock new possibilities and enhance our personal and professional growth. So, go forth, play, and explore the world with a renewed sense of wonder and curiosity.

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