The Scars of Ukraine’s War, Illuminated in Fiction: Celebrating Neurodiversity and Supporting Education

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 18, 2023

4 min read


The Scars of Ukraine’s War, Illuminated in Fiction: Celebrating Neurodiversity and Supporting Education

In a world torn by war, the effects on the human psyche are often more profound than the physical scars left behind. This is especially true for the women in Ukraine who have experienced the horrors of battle and are now left to pick up the pieces of their lives. Yevgenia Belorusets, a Ukrainian writer and photographer, captures the invisible trauma of these women in her newly translated short-story collection, "Lucky Breaks."

The stories in "Lucky Breaks" shed light on the lives of internal refugees who have fled the fighting in east Ukraine and resettled in Kyiv. These women are met with apathy and suspicion, as their trauma remains invisible to society. Belorusets uses her prose to convey the invisibility and lack of acknowledgment these women face, mirroring the indifference they experience in their everyday lives.

One of the characters in the stories, Xenia, finds solace in her new career selling stationery in the Kyiv metro. However, her happiness quickly dissolves when she is met with judgment from others. The narrator hints at the sorrows Xenia has endured over the past two years without explicitly revealing their nature. This deliberate choice by Belorusets emphasizes the lack of concern and understanding towards these women's experiences.

The translator and poet Eugene Ostashevsky ensures that the conversational rhythms of the prose are preserved in the translation. However, the duality of language, with one preface written in Ukrainian and the main text in Russian, holds a deeper meaning. In a time when language has been weaponized by nationalists from both Ukraine and Russia, this duality serves as a subtext that is lost in translation. It highlights the complexity of the conflict and the divisions within the country.

While readers may expect clarity on the political factions and internal divisions that led to the war, Belorusets takes a different approach. She focuses on the effects of the conflict rather than the causes. The stories are filled with dream sequences, witchcraft, and absurdities that evoke the works of the Ukrainian-born writer Nikolai Gogol. This disorientation mirrors the misinformation that has defined the conflict, creating a vivid and unsettling reading experience.

As we delve into the themes of trauma and resilience in the stories of "Lucky Breaks," it is important to draw connections to the topic of neurodiversity in education. In a YouTube video titled "Celebrate Neurodiversity Week," educators and advocates discuss the importance of understanding the big picture and embracing diverse learning styles.

One of the participants in the video, a dyslexic individual, reflects on how their experience in school would have been different if they had been given a broader understanding of how their learning style connects to real life. The speaker emphasizes that one size does not fit all in education, and it is crucial for educators to recognize and support students with different learning needs.

Another participant, a health educator, stresses the significance of building relationships with students to facilitate learning. Recognizing that relationships are vital for children to thrive, she advocates for a holistic approach to education that considers the emotional well-being of students.

The CEO of a dyspraxia support group shares her personal experience as a mother advocating for her son. She highlights the stigma that still exists surrounding neurodiverse individuals and the need for teachers to be prepared to listen and support their students.

The diverse range of perspectives in the video demonstrates the importance of inclusivity in education. By embracing neurodiversity and creating environments that cater to all students' needs, we can foster a more compassionate, flexible, and understanding society.

In conclusion, the stories in "Lucky Breaks" shed light on the invisible scars of war experienced by Ukrainian women. Their trauma remains unseen and unacknowledged, mirroring the indifference of society. In a similar vein, the discussion on neurodiversity in education emphasizes the importance of understanding and supporting diverse learning styles. To create inclusive environments, educators must recognize that one size does not fit all and build strong relationships with their students. By embracing neurodiversity, we can create a more compassionate and understanding society.

Actionable advice:

  • 1. Educators should strive to understand the big picture and connect lessons to real-life applications. Providing context and relevance can greatly enhance students' understanding and engagement.
  • 2. Schools and teachers should prioritize building strong relationships with students. By fostering a supportive and caring environment, students are more likely to thrive academically and emotionally.
  • 3. Encourage inclusivity and support for neurodiverse students. By embracing diverse learning styles and creating inclusive environments, educators can help all students reach their full potential.

In the end, by addressing the invisible scars of war and embracing neurodiversity in education, we can strive for a more compassionate and inclusive society.

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