The Power of Serve and Return: Building a Strong Foundation for Child Development

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Oct 08, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Serve and Return: Building a Strong Foundation for Child Development


Supporting and encouraging children's interests and curiosity is crucial for their overall development. One effective way to do this is through "serve and return," a concept that involves responding to a child's thoughts and feelings. By returning a serve, we make important language connections in their brain, even before they can talk or understand words. In this article, we will explore the significance of serve and return in child development and discuss the impact of nurturing, supportive interaction on brain function and structure.

The Importance of Taking Turns:

Taking turns in serve and return interactions helps children learn self-control and how to get along with others. By waiting and giving children time to form their responses, we allow them to develop their own ideas, build confidence, and foster independence. Waiting also helps us understand their needs and provides an opportunity to notice when they're ready to move on to something new.

The Link Between Serve and Return and Brain Development:

Recent studies utilizing brain imaging and new technologies have shed light on the impact of nurturing, supportive interaction on brain function and structure. For example, one study found that children who experienced more conversational turns exhibited greater activation in left inferior frontal regions (Broca's area) during language processing, which significantly contributed to their verbal abilities.

The Role of Maternal Sensitivity:

Sensitive parental care, characterized by prompt and adequate responses to a child's signals and needs, predicts a more secure attachment relationship, higher levels of cognitive competence, and fewer psychological problems. Several studies have also shown a positive association between maternal sensitivity and optimal brain development in children. For instance, variations in typical mother-infant interactions have been linked to differences in infant brain volumes, with lower maternal sensitivity correlating with smaller subcortical grey matter volumes.

The Influence of Parent-Child Synchrony:

Parent-child synchrony, where the parent adapts their gaze, affective expression, vocal quality, and movements to the infant's signals, plays a crucial role in early childhood development. Synchrony supports the development of social engagement abilities, including symbol formation, moral understanding, emotion regulation, and frustration tolerance. It also shapes the neural basis of empathy in preadolescence, targeting brain areas that underpin cognitive and affective empathy.

Three Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Engage in Serve and Return Interactions: Make it a priority to actively engage in serve and return interactions with children. Respond to their thoughts, feelings, and actions, even before they can talk or understand words. This simple act can foster language development and build strong neural connections in their brain.
  • 2. Practice Patience and Wait: Remember the importance of waiting during serve and return interactions. Give children time to process and respond, allowing them to develop their own ideas and build confidence. Waiting also provides valuable insights into their needs and signals when they are ready for a change in activity.
  • 3. Cultivate Parent-Child Synchrony: Focus on creating moments of synchrony with your child. Adapt your expressions, movements, and vocal cues to match their signals, creating a shared dialog. These synchronous moments not only strengthen the bond between parent and child but also support the development of important social and emotional skills.


Serve and return interactions play a vital role in brain development and overall child development. By actively engaging in serve and return, practicing patience, and cultivating parent-child synchrony, we can provide a strong foundation for children's cognitive, social, and emotional growth. Remember that every interaction counts and has the potential to shape a child's future. Let's make serve and return a priority in our daily interactions with children, ensuring their optimal development and well-being.

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