The Cosmic Opportunity: Unleashing Potential through Variance

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Mar 03, 2024

4 min read


The Cosmic Opportunity: Unleashing Potential through Variance

In the world of business and art, there exists a cosmic opportunity. It is the chance to break free from the confines of the ordinary and explore uncharted territories. This opportunity lies in the concept of variance, the discrepancy between different elements within a system. By identifying and focusing on the areas with the greatest variance, one can unlock immense potential and achieve unprecedented success.

One example of harnessing the power of variance can be found in the world of manufacturing. Imagine you are a car manufacturer and your dealerships present a broad range of experiences. Some dealerships may excel in customer service, while others struggle to meet customer expectations. In this scenario, the cosmic opportunity lies in focusing your resources on the dealerships with the greatest discrepancy. By investing in training and support for these struggling dealerships, you can elevate their performance and ultimately improve the overall customer experience. This approach not only leads to increased customer satisfaction but also sets you apart from your competitors.

The concept of variance can also be applied to the retail industry. Apple and Amazon are prime examples of companies that recognized the huge discrepancy in distribution and fulfillment. They seized the cosmic opportunity and achieved the greatest unlocks in retail history with Apple Stores and Amazon Fulfillment. By taking control of their distribution channels, these companies were able to provide a seamless and exceptional customer experience. They detached from the fixed path of traditional retail and covered more distance relative to their peers, in less time.

But how does one identify these moments of cosmic opportunity? It's not just about working harder than your peers; it's about knowing when to go hard at it. There are moments when the progress of your peer group has greater variance, and that's when you should seize the opportunity. It's during these times that you should work while others are resting. This is the time to push boundaries, take risks, and strive for greatness.

Now, let's shift our focus to a completely different realm - the world of music and art. Celeste Oram, a composer and musician, embodies the spirit of variance in her work. Her compositions encompass a wide range of styles and mediums, from instrumental writing to electronics, visual media, theatre, and improvisation. Through her works, Oram explores sonic and social histories, micro-cultures, and utopias. She embraces the cosmic opportunity to delve into uncharted territories of sound and create unique experiences for her audience.

One of Oram's notable works is "work & The Work PT. III," commissioned by the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group. This piece was created in commemoration of the 200th birthday of Karl Marx and features the musical composition, "Pierrot Laborieux." Oram collaborated with the musicians and staff of the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group to bring this piece to life. By embracing the cosmic opportunity to explore the intersection of music and social commentary, Oram creates a thought-provoking and immersive experience for her listeners.

Another intriguing work by Oram is "A radio séance for Vera Wyse Munro." Vera Wyse Munro was a pioneering New Zealand ham radio broadcaster, improviser, and sonic experimenter. Oram pays homage to Munro by incorporating elements of amateur radio broadcasts, Morse poetry, and sono-topographical scores into her composition. Through this piece, Oram explores the cosmic opportunity to connect with the past and shed light on the unsung heroes of the sonic world.

To make the most of the cosmic opportunity, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace Variance: Look for areas within your industry or field where there is a significant discrepancy. This could be in customer experiences, distribution channels, or even artistic styles. By focusing your efforts on these areas, you can unlock immense potential and differentiate yourself from your peers.
  • 2. Take Calculated Risks: When you identify a moment of cosmic opportunity, don't be afraid to take risks. Push the boundaries of what is considered "normal" and explore uncharted territories. This is where true innovation and growth happen.
  • 3. Collaborate and Learn from Others: Just as Celeste Oram collaborated with musicians and staff to create her compositions, seek out opportunities to collaborate and learn from others. By combining different perspectives and skill sets, you can create something truly unique and tap into the cosmic opportunity that lies within collective creativity.

In conclusion, the cosmic opportunity is a powerful concept that can unlock immense potential in both business and art. By identifying areas of variance and focusing your efforts on them, you can surpass your peers and achieve unprecedented success. Embrace the cosmic opportunity, take risks, collaborate with others, and watch as new horizons unfold before you. This is your time to shine.

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