The Future of Art: Digitizing and the Use of AI in Creating Immersive Experiences

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Dec 14, 2023

3 min read


The Future of Art: Digitizing and the Use of AI in Creating Immersive Experiences


Art has always been a medium for self-expression, cultural exploration, and storytelling. With advancements in technology, artists are now embracing digitization and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to create immersive experiences for audiences. This article explores the intersection of art, technology, and AI, focusing on Yuki Kihara's exhibition 'Paradise Camp' and the innovative use of AI developed by TBWA\NZ's Digital Art Network and the Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa.

Digitizing Art for Accessibility:

Yuki Kihara, an interdisciplinary artist of Japanese and Samoan descent, aims to prioritize and empower the Fa'afafine community through her exhibition. By leveraging AI technology, Kihara and her collaborators have created a virtual experience that allows visitors to discover the deeper story behind each photograph. This digital component not only enhances accessibility but also ensures that Kihara's work reaches a wider audience, regardless of their ability to visit the physical exhibition.

AI: Enhancing the Aesthetic Experience:

Initially skeptical about the use of AI, Kihara's concerns about whether the technology would deliver the aesthetic experience of being at La Biennale di Venezia quickly dissipated. The integration of AI into the exhibition allows visitors to scan a QR code and use their phone's camera to recognize each painting. This triggers a reaction that opens up a web page showcasing videos, artist commentary, and a tool to compare Kihara's photographs to the originals by Gaugin. The AI algorithm trained to recognize the art enhances the viewer's understanding and engagement with the artwork.

Expanding Knowledge Sharing and Interactive Experiences:

David Parkinson, General Manager of Digital and Innovation at Digital Arts Network, highlights the value of using AI in art to enable broader knowledge sharing and deeper interactive experiences. Through the digitization of art, viewers can gain insights into the artist's intentions, the meaning behind the artwork, and its significance to the artist and the viewer. This immersive experience facilitated by AI bridges the gap between the artist and the audience, fostering a deeper connection and understanding.

The Future of Digital Art:

As technology continues to advance, the digitization of art is expected to grow further. Parkinson predicts that the demand for digital art will continue to rise as digital natives, who are accustomed to consuming art through digital mediums, seek innovative and interactive experiences. Artists are already experimenting with the potential of AI and exploring how it can be used to create art across various mediums. The future of art lies in embracing technology and leveraging AI to push the boundaries of creativity and audience engagement.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace digitization: Artists and art institutions should embrace digitization as a means to enhance accessibility and reach a wider audience. By leveraging AI technology, art can transcend physical boundaries and be experienced digitally.
  • 2. Experiment with AI: Artists should explore the possibilities of AI in their creative process. By integrating AI algorithms, artists can enhance the viewer's experience, provide additional context, and foster deeper engagement with their artwork.
  • 3. Foster knowledge sharing: Art institutions should use AI as a tool to facilitate knowledge sharing. By providing additional information, artist commentary, and interactive tools, audiences can gain a deeper understanding of the artwork and its cultural significance.


The future of art lies in the intersection of technology, digitization, and AI. Yuki Kihara's exhibition 'Paradise Camp' showcases the immense potential of AI in creating immersive art experiences. By embracing digitization and AI, artists can enhance accessibility, deepen audience engagement, and foster knowledge sharing. As technology continues to evolve, the art world must embrace these advancements to create new and exciting possibilities for artists and audiences alike.

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