The Bloomsbury Group and the Power of Accurate Representation

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Dec 23, 2023

3 min read


The Bloomsbury Group and the Power of Accurate Representation

In the early 20th century, London's Bloomsbury district became the birthplace of a society known as the Bloomsbury Group. Comprised of free-thinking intellectuals, this group was united by their shared belief in the pursuit of art and pleasure. The roots of the Bloomsbury Group can be traced back to the Clapham Sect, a group that also valued progressive thought and supported their friends' creative endeavors.

The Bloomsbury Group was a unique blend of individuals from different backgrounds and social classes. One of the defining characteristics of this group was their rejection of their upper-class heritage. They prioritized love and life experiences over societal expectations. However, as time went on, the group experienced a divide between the "old" and "new" set.

The "old" set consisted of the original members of the group, while the "new" set included the younger generation – the sons and daughters of the original members. While many principles remained the same, the "new" set had a stronger political stance. They were conscientious objectors and members of political groups outside of Bloomsbury. This shift in ideology and values marked a turning point in the group's history.

Despite their differences, the Bloomsbury Group remained united by their shared pursuit of art and pleasure. They were bound by a sense of camaraderie and supported each other's creative endeavors. However, tragedy struck the group with the deaths of two key members, Lytton Strachey and Virginia Woolf. These losses, coupled with the changing political climate of the 1930s, ultimately led to the group's demise.

The Bloomsbury Group serves as a reminder of the power of accurate representation. They rejected societal norms and embraced their true identities, prioritizing love and life experiences over societal expectations. This authenticity allowed them to create meaningful art and establish lasting relationships within their community.

In today's creative industry, the power of accurate representation remains as relevant as ever. Neo Mashigo, a renowned creative, emphasizes the importance of viewing oneself as a business. He believes that every creative professional should see themselves as a company, regardless of their employment status. By adopting this mindset, creatives can take ownership of their work and approach projects with a partner mentality.

Mashigo's advice to creatives in the early stages of their careers is to stop thinking of themselves as mere employees. Instead, they should recognize their value and view themselves as businesses. This shift in perspective can greatly impact their performance and mindset. When creatives feel like they own the space they work in, their attitude reflects it, and they become partners in their projects.

To apply this advice in practice, here are three actionable steps for creatives:

  • 1. Embrace your identity: Like the members of the Bloomsbury Group, embrace your true identity and reject societal expectations. This authenticity will allow you to create work that is meaningful and representative of who you truly are.
  • 2. See yourself as a business: Adopt the mindset that you are a business, regardless of your employment status. Take ownership of your work and approach projects with a partner mentality. This perspective will positively impact your performance and mindset.
  • 3. Surround yourself with a supportive community: Just as the Bloomsbury Group formed a community of like-minded individuals, seek out a supportive community of creatives. Surrounding yourself with people who understand and value your work will provide inspiration, support, and opportunities for collaboration.

In conclusion, the Bloomsbury Group and Neo Mashigo's insights both highlight the power of accurate representation in the creative industry. By embracing our true identities, viewing ourselves as businesses, and surrounding ourselves with a supportive community, we can create meaningful work and establish successful careers. Let us learn from these examples and strive to be true to ourselves in our creative pursuits.

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