The Impact of Running and Cognitive Complexity on Brain Health

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Sep 20, 2023

3 min read


The Impact of Running and Cognitive Complexity on Brain Health


In recent years, there has been a growing interest in understanding how various factors can influence brain health and cognitive function. Two recent studies have shed light on the potential benefits of running and exposure to cognitive complexity on the brain. The first study titled "Running increases cell proliferation and neurogenesis in the adult mouse dentate gyrus" explores the effects of running on the brain, while the second study titled "How We Understand 'Complexity' Makes a Difference: Lessons from Critical Systems Thinking and the Covid-19 Pandemic in the UK" delves into the concept of cognitive complexity and its impact on our understanding of complex systems like the Covid-19 pandemic. By examining these two studies, we can uncover common points and explore how they interrelate, ultimately gaining unique insights into brain health.

Running and Neurogenesis:

The study on running and neurogenesis conducted on adult mice dentate gyrus reveals that running leads to increased cell proliferation and neurogenesis in this specific region of the brain. Neurogenesis refers to the formation of new neurons, which is crucial for various cognitive functions such as learning and memory. The study suggests that running can stimulate the growth of new neurons, thereby enhancing brain plasticity and cognitive abilities.

Exposure to Cognitive Complexity and Neurogenesis:

On the other hand, the study on cognitive complexity emphasizes the importance of exposure to complex environments for brain health. It suggests that an enriched environment can increase neurogenesis, similar to the effects observed in the running study. Cognitive complexity refers to the level of complexity in our environment, which can include factors such as intellectual stimulation, social interactions, and exposure to novel experiences. The study highlights that exposure to an enriched environment can promote the growth of new neurons and improve cognitive function.

Connecting the Dots:

Interestingly, both studies converge on the idea that certain activities or environments can enhance neurogenesis, leading to improved brain health. While the running study specifically focuses on the physical activity aspect, the cognitive complexity study emphasizes the importance of mental stimulation and exposure to complex environments. These findings underline the interconnectedness of physical and mental aspects in influencing brain health.

Unique Insights:

By combining the findings from these two studies, we can gain unique insights into the potential synergistic effects of running and exposure to cognitive complexity. Engaging in regular running not only benefits physical fitness but also promotes neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. Simultaneously, exposing oneself to cognitive complexity through intellectual challenges, social interactions, and novel experiences can further enhance neurogenesis. This suggests that a holistic approach to brain health, which combines physical exercise and mental stimulation, may yield the greatest benefits.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Incorporate running into your routine: Make running or other forms of aerobic exercise a regular part of your routine to promote neurogenesis and improve brain health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
  • 2. Seek intellectual challenges: Engage in activities that require mental effort and stimulate cognitive complexity. This can include reading challenging books, solving puzzles, or learning a new skill. By exposing your brain to new and complex information, you can promote neurogenesis and enhance cognitive function.
  • 3. Create an enriched environment: Surround yourself with an environment that promotes cognitive complexity. Seek out social interactions, engage in stimulating conversations, and explore new experiences. By actively seeking out an enriched environment, you can support the growth of new neurons and improve brain health.


The studies on running and exposure to cognitive complexity offer valuable insights into the potential benefits of these factors on brain health. By combining physical exercise with mental stimulation, we can promote neurogenesis and enhance cognitive function. Incorporating running into our routine, seeking intellectual challenges, and creating an enriched environment are actionable steps that can contribute to optimal brain health. By prioritizing both physical and mental aspects, we can unlock the full potential of our brains and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

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