Exploring Hands-On Experiences: From Design Indaba to Open Access

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

May 29, 2024

3 min read


Exploring Hands-On Experiences: From Design Indaba to Open Access

In the world of art and education, hands-on experiences play a crucial role in sparking creativity and curiosity. Two initiatives, the colourful exhibition "The Seeing Hands" by artist Katie Schwab and the MIT Press's Direct to Open (D2O) program, exemplify the power of tactile engagement and collaborative open access. Although seemingly unrelated, these endeavors share common themes of experimentation, inclusivity, and the exploration of new forms of learning and play.

"The Seeing Hands" exhibition, currently on display at the City Dome in Edinburgh's Collective, serves as a "touchable library" for both kids and adults. Katie Schwab, an artist known for her work with textiles and furniture, invites visitors to engage with society through her vibrant and textured sculptures. By encouraging experimentation and providing a space for personal expression, Schwab's exhibition becomes a catalyst for creativity.

The sculptures in "The Seeing Hands" are purposely adaptable and made from remnants and recycled materials, showcasing the artist's commitment to sustainability and collaboration. Schwab has collaborated with various makers, including furniture maker Simon Worthington and graphic designer Maeve Redmond, to create these unique pieces. Drawing inspiration from educational sculptures like Baby-Lonia and Boardrobe, Schwab channels the spirit of past design movements while adding her own contemporary twist.

Similarly, the Direct to Open (D2O) program by the MIT Press revolutionizes the way scholarly books are accessed and distributed. Moving away from the traditional market-based purchase model, D2O embraces a collaborative, library-supported open access approach. By harnessing collective action, institutions contribute to the publication of open access editions of scholarly works, ensuring broader access to knowledge.

In 2022 alone, D2O participants made it possible for over 80 scholarly works to be published as open access editions. This shift towards open access not only democratizes knowledge but also reflects the importance of inclusivity and diversity within the academic community. Just as "The Seeing Hands" exhibition empowers visitors to engage with contemporary art, D2O empowers institutions and individuals to support open access and shape a more inclusive future.

From these parallel initiatives, we can draw three actionable pieces of advice for individuals and institutions seeking to foster creativity, collaboration, and accessibility:

  • 1. Embrace collaboration: Both "The Seeing Hands" exhibition and the D2O program highlight the power of collaboration. By working with others, whether it be fellow artists or institutions, we can create more impactful and inclusive experiences. Seek out opportunities to collaborate and tap into the collective wisdom and creativity of a diverse group.
  • 2. Prioritize sustainability: Schwab's use of remnants and recycled materials in "The Seeing Hands" exhibition and the MIT Press's commitment to open access demonstrate the importance of sustainability in art and academia. Consider how you can incorporate sustainable practices into your own creative endeavors or scholarly pursuits. Explore ways to repurpose materials, reduce waste, and contribute to a more environmentally conscious world.
  • 3. Support open access initiatives: Open access allows for the democratization of knowledge and ensures that information is accessible to all. Consider supporting open access initiatives like the D2O program or advocating for open access policies within your institution. By championing open access, you contribute to a more inclusive and equitable future for education and research.

In conclusion, the hands-on experiences offered by "The Seeing Hands" exhibition and the collaborative nature of the D2O program demonstrate the transformative power of tactile engagement and open access. By embracing experimentation, inclusivity, and sustainability, we can create spaces and initiatives that empower individuals and institutions to explore new forms of learning, play, and knowledge dissemination. Let us continue to foster creativity, collaboration, and accessibility in our own endeavors, inspired by the innovative spirit of these initiatives.

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