The Impact of AI on Design and the Future of Virtual Worlds

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Oct 03, 2023

4 min read


The Impact of AI on Design and the Future of Virtual Worlds

In recent years, there have been significant advancements in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), leading to its widespread integration into various industries. From personalized content recommendations to virtual world experiences, AI has become an integral part of our digital lives. However, with these advancements comes the realization that AI has a real environmental impact, and designers are now faced with the challenge of finding sustainable solutions.

One area where AI is making waves is in the creation of virtual worlds. Meta, the parent company of Facebook, recently announced its plan to allow creators in its virtual world, Horizon Worlds, to sell virtual items. This move follows in the footsteps of platforms like Roblox and Rec Room, which have already capitalized on the ability for creators to monetize their creations. Roblox, in particular, has built a massive business model around this concept, while Rec Room is quickly growing and prioritizing creator monetization as well.

While the monetization aspect of virtual worlds is exciting, it is also essential to consider the environmental impact of AI. Jarno Koponen, head of AI and personalization at Yle, Finland's national broadcasting company, highlights the need for a broader discussion on AI-related emissions. Koponen emphasizes that many consumer applications of AI, such as content recommendations, utilize narrow AI models, which require less computing power. However, as AI research progresses, there is a growing realization that sustainable design and development principles need to be updated to account for the era of AI applications.

One aspect that designers are starting to tackle is the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency in AI models. Often, the pursuit of accuracy comes at the expense of increased computing power and energy requirements. Designers like Schumann and Otsuka are advocating for finding an equilibrium between cost and accuracy. For example, their project aims to assist type designers in kerning new typefaces using machine learning. Instead of automating the kerning process, the tool provides suggestions based on its understanding of other typefaces, speeding up the laborious process. While this level of imprecision may not be suitable for all AI applications, it highlights the potential for AI to aid, rather than replace, human designers.

However, designers are not only limited by the trade-offs within AI models but also by the capabilities of consumer hardware. For instance, Process Studio trained an AI model to generate its own emojis for the visual identity of the Uncanny Values exhibition. This project was limited by the dataset of commonly used emojis and the hardware's processing power. As AI continues to evolve, designers will need access to more advanced hardware to push the boundaries of what is achievable in design.

In conclusion, the integration of AI into design and virtual worlds presents exciting opportunities and challenges. Designers must consider the environmental impact of AI and strive to find sustainable solutions. Balancing accuracy and efficiency in AI models and utilizing AI as a tool to aid human designers are essential considerations. Additionally, advancements in consumer hardware will play a significant role in expanding the capabilities of AI in design. As the field of AI continues to evolve, it is crucial for designers to stay informed, adapt their practices, and embrace the potential of AI while keeping sustainability in mind.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Prioritize sustainability in AI design: As AI becomes more prevalent, designers must consider the environmental impact of their creations. Strive to find a balance between accuracy and energy efficiency to reduce carbon emissions associated with AI applications.
  • 2. Embrace AI as a tool, not a replacement: Instead of aiming for perfection, explore ways in which AI can aid human designers and streamline processes. Use AI to augment creativity and enhance efficiency, while still maintaining human input and decision-making.
  • 3. Stay updated on hardware advancements: As AI technology advances, it is crucial for designers to stay informed about the latest hardware capabilities. Access to more powerful hardware will enable designers to push the boundaries of what is achievable in AI-powered design.

By incorporating these actionable advice into their practices, designers can harness the potential of AI while ensuring a sustainable and innovative future for the field of design and virtual worlds.

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