The Intersection of Quantum Computing and Autism: Exploring the Connection Between Technology and Neurodiversity

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Apr 30, 2024

3 min read


The Intersection of Quantum Computing and Autism: Exploring the Connection Between Technology and Neurodiversity


In a world where technology is constantly evolving, it is fascinating to see how different fields intersect and influence one another. Two seemingly unrelated areas, quantum computing and autism, have more in common than meets the eye. This article delves into the story of Jay Gambetta, a Gold Coast surfer turned quantum physicist at IBM, and explores the different forms of autism spectrum disorder. By understanding the parallels and connections between these seemingly disparate subjects, we can gain unique insights into the potential of technology and the importance of neurodiversity.

Quantum Computing and Autism:

Within IBM, Jay Gambetta, known as one of the top quantum physicists, plays a crucial role in developing IBM's quantum computers. Unlike classical computers that operate on a binary system, quantum computers utilize qubits, which can exist in both zero and one states simultaneously. This concept, known as superposition, is a fundamental principle of quantum computing. Interestingly, the state of entanglement, where the quantum state of one object is dependent on another, also plays a role in the world of quantum computing.

Similarly, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) encompasses a range of conditions that affect individuals' verbal, social, and communicative abilities. Just as quantum computing spans a spectrum of possibilities, autism spectrum disorder is a diverse and complex range of conditions. Mary Alexa, an autism therapy specialist, highlights the challenge faced by physicians in determining where one range in the spectrum begins and where it ends, much like the overlapping shades of a rainbow.

The Power of Neurodiversity:

Neurodiversity celebrates the idea that neurological differences, such as those found in individuals with autism, should be recognized and respected as a natural part of human diversity. Just as quantum computing harnesses the power of diverse qubits in superposition, society can benefit from embracing and empowering individuals with autism, and other neurodivergent conditions, to contribute their unique perspectives and talents.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Foster Inclusion and Acceptance: Encourage an environment where neurodiversity is celebrated and individuals with autism are valued for their unique abilities. This can be achieved through awareness campaigns, education, and inclusive workplace policies that provide accommodations and support.
  • 2. Promote STEM Opportunities: Recognize and nurture the potential of individuals with autism in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). By creating inclusive educational programs and providing mentorship opportunities, we can unlock the talents of those who think differently and contribute to advancements in technology.
  • 3. Invest in Research and Development: Support research initiatives that explore the intersection of technology and neurodiversity. By understanding the connections between fields like quantum computing and autism, we can uncover new insights and potentially develop innovative solutions that benefit both areas.


The story of Jay Gambetta's journey from a Gold Coast surfer to a top quantum physicist at IBM highlights the unexpected connections that exist between quantum computing and autism spectrum disorder. By recognizing the parallels and embracing neurodiversity, we can tap into the immense potential of individuals with autism and drive advancements in technology. Let us foster a world that celebrates diversity, both in terms of the minds that power our technology and the individuals who contribute to society as a whole.

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