Unveiling the Unconventional and Promising World of Startups

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jul 18, 2023

3 min read


Unveiling the Unconventional and Promising World of Startups


In the fast-paced world of startups, where innovative ideas and groundbreaking technologies emerge, there are some hidden gems that have managed to capture the attention of investors and consumers alike. These startups, often flying under the radar, possess unique qualities that set them apart from the rest. In this article, we explore two such startups, GetSetup and Threads, and delve into their intriguing journeys towards success.

GetSetup: Empowering Seniors through Education

GetSetup, a senior education startup, has recently made waves in the investment landscape by raising an impressive $10 million. What makes this startup truly remarkable is the unorthodox approach taken by renowned investor Aileen Lee during the due diligence process. Instead of relying solely on traditional methods, Lee asked her 80-year-old mother to take a virtual class on GetSetup's website. The results were astonishing. Lee's mother not only became infatuated with the courses on offer but also formed connections with fellow participants and teachers from across the globe. This heartwarming anecdote highlights the transformative power of education, even in later stages of life.

Moreover, GetSetup has recently announced a groundbreaking partnership with healthcare firm Tivity Health. This collaboration will provide free access to GetSetup for over 18 million Americans who are enrolled in eligible Medicare health insurance plans. By removing financial barriers, GetSetup aims to empower seniors and enhance their quality of life through continuous learning and social engagement. This strategic partnership exemplifies the potential of startups to create meaningful partnerships and drive positive change in society.

Threads: Navigating the Digital Landscape with Innovation

Threads, a new app in the digital realm, has managed to make a significant impact, despite the dominance of established social media platforms. The success of Threads can be attributed to its ability to tackle two crucial issues prevalent in the digital world: disinformation and the need for innovation.

In an era where social media platforms often become breeding grounds for disinformation, Threads has emerged as a beacon of hope. By implementing innovative solutions and stringent moderation policies, Threads aims to create a safe and reliable space for users. This commitment to combating disinformation sets a precedent for other social media platforms to follow suit and prioritize user safety.

Additionally, Threads' launch has shed light on the challenges faced by startups in their early stages. Starting something new requires immense dedication and resilience. However, the digital space offers boundless opportunities for growth and success. With determination and a wellspring of strength, startups can navigate the vast digital landscape and carve a niche for themselves.

Connecting the Common Threads:

Although GetSetup and Threads operate in different domains, they share common themes that highlight the potential for success in the startup ecosystem. Both startups have managed to identify unique gaps in the market and offer innovative solutions to address them. Furthermore, they have leveraged strategic partnerships to amplify their impact and expand their reach.

Actionable Advice for Aspiring Startups:

  • 1. Embrace Unconventional Approaches: Learn from Aileen Lee's unorthodox due diligence process for GetSetup. Sometimes, thinking outside the box can provide valuable insights and unexpected results.
  • 2. Prioritize User Safety and Trust: Take a page from Threads' playbook and make user safety a top priority. Implement robust moderation policies and innovative solutions to combat disinformation and create a trustworthy platform.
  • 3. Tap into Strategic Partnerships: Explore collaboration opportunities with established organizations, as demonstrated by GetSetup's partnership with Tivity Health. Such partnerships can provide access to new markets, resources, and funding, propelling startups towards success.


The world of startups is a captivating landscape, where hidden gems like GetSetup and Threads can shine through. By embracing innovation, forging strategic partnerships, and prioritizing user safety, startups can carve their path towards success. Aspiring entrepreneurs can draw inspiration from the journeys of these startups and apply actionable advice to navigate the dynamic and ever-evolving startup ecosystem.

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