Perspective: Shaping How We See the World


Hatched by عبدالله

Apr 02, 2024

3 min read


Perspective: Shaping How We See the World


Perspective, a word that carries immense weight, holds the power to shape our understanding of the world around us. It encompasses various meanings and can be applied in multiple contexts, ranging from individual viewpoints to global outlooks. In this article, we will explore the diverse dimensions of perspective and how it influences our perception of reality.

Defining Perspective:

Perspective, in its simplest form, refers to an individual's point of view or interpretation of a situation, event, or concept. It is a lens through which we see the world, coloring our understanding and influencing our thoughts, actions, and judgments. Whether it is a child's perspective, an international perspective, or any other viewpoint, perspective is deeply personal and subjective.

Child's Perspective:

The innocence and curiosity of children often provide a refreshing perspective on life. Their untainted minds allow them to see the world with a sense of wonder, unencumbered by the biases and preconceived notions that adults may have. A child's perspective offers a valuable reminder to embrace simplicity, find joy in the little things, and approach life with an open mind.

International Perspective:

Expanding our perspective beyond the borders of our own country or culture can be an eye-opening experience. An international perspective allows us to gain a broader understanding of global issues, appreciate diverse cultures, and foster empathy towards those who may have different beliefs or backgrounds. It encourages us to break free from our own limited worldview and embrace a more inclusive and interconnected outlook.

Putting Things into Perspective:

In our fast-paced and often overwhelming lives, it is easy to lose sight of what truly matters. We may find ourselves getting caught up in trivial issues or becoming overwhelmed by challenges that, in the grand scheme of things, are relatively insignificant. Putting things into perspective means taking a step back, zooming out, and gaining a more comprehensive view of the situation. It involves recognizing the bigger picture and understanding the relative importance of different aspects of our lives.

Words and their Impact:

The power of perspective extends beyond our thoughts; it also manifests through our words. As the Arabic saying goes, "before you speak, your words may kill someone's happiness." The impact of our words on others' perspectives should never be underestimated. A single word or phrase can shape someone's emotions, beliefs, and self-esteem. Therefore, it is vital to be mindful of the language we use and the messages we convey, recognizing their potential to either uplift or harm others.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace diversity: Actively seek out diverse perspectives and engage in conversations with individuals who have different backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs. This will broaden your own perspective and foster empathy and understanding.
  • 2. Practice empathy: Put yourself in someone else's shoes and try to understand the world from their point of view. By empathizing with others, we can build stronger connections, resolve conflicts, and promote harmony in our relationships.
  • 3. Reflect on your own perspective: Take time to reflect on your own biases, assumptions, and preconceived notions. Question the influences that have shaped your perspective and be open to challenging and expanding your understanding of the world.


Perspective is a powerful force that shapes our understanding of the world. Whether it is a child's innocent viewpoint, an international outlook, or the act of putting things into perspective, our perception of reality influences our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others. By embracing diversity, practicing empathy, and reflecting on our own perspective, we can cultivate a broader and more inclusive worldview. Let us remember that our words hold immense power and use them to uplift and inspire rather than harm others.

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