The Power of Words and Daily Habits in Shaping Happiness


Hatched by عبدالله

Oct 12, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Words and Daily Habits in Shaping Happiness

In our daily lives, it is often overlooked how our words and actions can impact the happiness of those around us. As Copywriting Dad Alex rightly said on Twitter, "Think before you speak, your words may kill someone's happiness." This statement holds true in various aspects of our lives, from our relationships with our children to our interactions with friends and colleagues.

One common challenge many people face is the difficulty of forgiveness. In normal situations, it may be challenging for children to forgive their parents when they feel betrayed. This is because the expectations of a child for their parents are always high in terms of right and wrong. When these expectations are not met, forgiveness can be a hard emotion to embrace. It is crucial to recognize the impact our words and actions can have on others, especially on our loved ones.

Another important aspect to consider is the impermanence of the world we live in. As the Telegram comment suggests, searching for permanent things in a temporary world is illogical. Instead, we should focus on our daily routines and actions that can bring us joy and fulfillment. It is important to reflect on why we do certain things and how they align with our values and goals. By simplifying our lives and giving importance to the things that truly matter, we can find contentment and happiness.

Our daily habits play a significant role in shaping our happiness. The comment highlights several factors that define who we are, including what we eat, what we invest in, what we talk about, what we consistently do, what content we consume, who we spend our time with, and what we constantly think about. By improving these aspects, we can improve ourselves and our overall well-being.

To put this into action, here are three actionable advice:

  • 1. Practice patience: Patience is a virtue that can greatly enhance our relationships and overall happiness. Consider incorporating practices like silence during certain activities that we are not accustomed to being silent during, limiting phone usage, and using only a few essential applications. Additionally, be mindful of taking your time during prayers or other activities, focusing on the present moment.
  • 2. Disconnect to reconnect: Take a break from technology by disconnecting from your phone for a day or two, depending on the level of addiction. Use this time to engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Focus on slowing down during prayers and sitting afterwards, reciting the appropriate supplications. Commit to this practice for a week or more to reap its benefits.
  • 3. Pursue what interests you: Ambition is a powerful motivator for personal growth and happiness. Find what truly interests you and strive towards it. By pursuing your passions, you will find fulfillment and a sense of purpose. Embrace the notion that nothing is unattainable if you put your mind and effort into it.

In conclusion, the power of our words and daily habits cannot be underestimated in shaping our happiness. It is crucial to be mindful of the impact our words can have on others and to strive for forgiveness in our relationships. Additionally, by simplifying our lives, focusing on what truly matters, and incorporating positive daily habits, we can enhance our overall well-being and find true happiness. Remember, the choice is in our hands to create a fulfilling and joyful life.

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