Rahmon Knowscopy on Twitter: What looks like an END may be a BEND.


Hatched by عبدالله

Jan 12, 2024

3 min read


Rahmon Knowscopy on Twitter: What looks like an END may be a BEND.

"Practice Makes Perfect": Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

Public speaking is a skill that many people struggle with. The fear of standing in front of a crowd and delivering a speech can be paralyzing, causing high levels of stress and anxiety. However, with consistent practice and the right mindset, anyone can overcome this fear and become comfortable on stage.

Rahmon Knowscopy, a renowned public speaker on Twitter, emphasizes the importance of persistence and perseverance when it comes to public speaking. He believes that what may initially seem like an end, can actually be a bend - an opportunity for growth and improvement. By following his advice and incorporating some actionable tips, you too can conquer your fear and become a confident and engaging public speaker.

One of the first steps towards overcoming the fear of public speaking is honesty. Be honest with yourself about your fear and acknowledge that it is completely normal to feel nervous. Rahmon suggests embracing this fear and using it as a motivator to push yourself to improve. By accepting your fear, you can start working towards overcoming it.

Another important aspect of becoming a skilled public speaker is practice. Rahmon emphasizes the need to spend time honing your skills and becoming familiar with your material. Just like learning a foreign language, consistent practice is key to improving your public speaking abilities. Set aside dedicated time each day to practice speaking in front of a mirror or with a trusted friend. This will help you gain confidence and refine your delivery.

In addition to practice, good preparation is essential. Write thorough notes and research your topic well in advance. The more knowledgeable you are about your subject, the more comfortable you will feel when speaking about it. Take the time to organize your thoughts and create a clear outline for your speech. This will not only help you stay on track during your presentation but also give you the confidence to navigate unexpected questions or interruptions.

Lastly, Rahmon advises against standing still while delivering a speech. Movement on stage can help alleviate nervous energy and keep the audience engaged. Take advantage of the space you have and use gestures and body language to emphasize key points. However, be mindful not to overdo it. Natural and purposeful movements will make you appear more confident and authentic.

In conclusion, public speaking is a skill that can be mastered with consistent practice and the right mindset. By embracing your fear, dedicating time to practice, preparing thoroughly, and incorporating purposeful movement, you can overcome your fear of public speaking and become a confident and engaging speaker. Remember, what may initially seem like an end, can actually be a bend - an opportunity for personal growth and improvement.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace your fear: Acknowledge that feeling nervous is normal and use it as motivation to improve.
  • 2. Dedicate time to practice: Set aside regular practice sessions to refine your speaking skills and gain confidence.
  • 3. Prepare thoroughly: Research your topic well, write good notes, and create a clear outline to ensure you are well-prepared for your speech. Incorporate purposeful movement on stage to engage the audience and appear more confident.

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