The Complexities of Allegory and the Nature of the Mind



Oct 24, 20234 min read


The Complexities of Allegory and the Nature of the Mind

In the realm of literature and philosophy, there are certain questions that have intrigued and perplexed humanity for centuries. Two such questions that have captured the attention of scholars and thinkers are the complexities of allegory and the nature of the mind. These seemingly disparate topics may, at first glance, appear unrelated, but upon closer examination, we can find common points that connect them naturally.

Allegory has long been a popular literary device used by writers to convey deeper meanings and messages. It involves the use of symbolic characters, settings, and events to represent abstract ideas or moral concepts. One of the most notable works that utilizes allegory is J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings." In a 1968 interview, Tolkien himself discussed the allegorical elements present in his epic fantasy novel. He emphasized that an allegory is not an application, and people often fail to fully understand this distinction. An allegory is not a one-to-one representation of real-life events or individuals; rather, it is a means to explore larger themes and concepts.

Furthermore, Tolkien highlighted the idea that there is no such thing as a natural death. He argued that everything that happens to humanity is a result of our existence, which calls the entire world into question. While death is inevitable for all, Tolkien believed that each person's death is an accident and an unjustifiable violation. This profound insight challenges our understanding of mortality and forces us to confront the fragility of our existence.

Switching gears to the nature of the mind, we find ourselves delving into another realm of inquiry that has fascinated thinkers for centuries. Armstrong's "Nature of Mind" sheds light on this complex topic. The mind has been a subject of exploration and speculation for thousands of years. It is a question that has eluded a definitive answer, but that has not stopped scholars from attempting to unravel its mysteries.

One key aspect discussed by Armstrong is that mental states are dispositions towards possible behavior. This suggests that our thoughts and emotions are not separate from our physical being, but rather manifestations of the brain's physical states. This view challenges the notion of a distinct mind-body duality and proposes a more holistic understanding of human consciousness.

Additionally, Armstrong posits that consciousness is a self-scanning system. This concept implies that our consciousness constantly scans and monitors our thoughts and experiences, shaping our perception of reality. It suggests that our awareness is not a passive entity but an active participant in our mental processes.

Although allegory and the nature of the mind may seem unrelated, there are underlying connections that reveal themselves upon closer examination. Both topics invite us to question the nature of our existence and challenge our preconceived notions of reality. They encourage us to delve deeper into the complexities of human thought and experience.

Considering these shared themes, we can extract actionable advice that can be applied to our own lives and understanding. Here are three suggestions:

  • 1. Embrace the power of symbolism: Just as allegory uses symbols to convey deeper meanings, we can incorporate symbolism in our own lives to add layers of depth and significance. Whether through art, writing, or personal rituals, embracing symbolism can enhance our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
  • 2. Cultivate a holistic perspective: The notion that mental states are physical states of the brain reminds us of the interconnectedness of mind and body. By nurturing a holistic perspective, we can prioritize physical and mental well-being, recognizing the importance of both in shaping our experiences and perceptions.
  • 3. Engage in self-reflection: The concept of consciousness as a self-scanning system invites us to engage in self-reflection and introspection. By regularly examining our thoughts, emotions, and experiences, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and make conscious choices that align with our values and aspirations.

In conclusion, the complexities of allegory and the nature of the mind offer us profound insights into the human experience. By exploring these topics and finding connections between them, we can expand our understanding of ourselves and the world we inhabit. Through the incorporation of symbolism, a holistic perspective, and self-reflection, we can navigate the complexities of life with greater clarity and purpose.


  1. "1968: TOLKIEN on LORD OF THE RINGS | Release | Writers and Wordsmiths | BBC Archive - YouTube", (Glasp)
  2. "Armstrong's Nature of Mind: what is the mind? - YouTube", (Glasp)

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