"The 72-Hour Rule: How to Stop Impulse Buying and Stay Organized with the Japanese Notebook System"

Tara H

Tara H

Apr 13, 20243 min read


"The 72-Hour Rule: How to Stop Impulse Buying and Stay Organized with the Japanese Notebook System"

Impulse buying is a common habit that many of us struggle with. We often find ourselves purchasing items that are not essential, only to regret the decision later. But what if there was a way to overcome this urge and make more thoughtful purchase decisions? Enter the 72-Hour Rule.

The 72-Hour Rule, introduced by Rishikesh Sreehari, is a simple yet effective strategy to combat impulse buying. The rule suggests that whenever you feel the urge to buy something that is not essential, you should delay the purchase for 72 hours. During this time, you can reflect on whether the product is a need or a want.

By implementing this rule, you give yourself a cooling-off period. It allows you to step back and evaluate the pros and cons of the purchase. After 72 hours, if you still remember the product and can justify why you need it, then you can make an informed decision to buy it. This rule helps in separating impulsive purchases from well-thought-out ones.

But staying organized is equally important when it comes to managing our lives. One system that has gained popularity is the Japanese Notebook Organization System. This system utilizes a specific type of notebook and various categorizations to keep track of different aspects of our lives.

To effectively use the Japanese Notebook Organization System, you need a notebook that meets certain requirements. It should be bound with either glue, string, or staples, as spiral-bound notebooks can be cumbersome. Additionally, the notebook should have grid, dot, or lined pages to easily line up your tags. Having over 50 pages and good-quality pages that do not bleed through is also crucial.

Now, let's delve into some of the categories that you can incorporate into your Japanese notebook. One idea is to organize your recipes. You can categorize them by type of meal, such as breakfast, lunch, or supper. Alternatively, you can categorize them by ingredient, such as meat, vegetable, or starch. This way, you can easily find the recipe you need when planning your meals.

Another category you can include in your notebook is a diary based on different moods. You can create sections for happy, sad, content, depressed, or tired moods. This allows you to reflect on your emotions and track patterns in your mood. It can be a helpful tool for self-reflection and understanding your emotional well-being.

Additionally, you can use your notebook to take meeting notes. By featuring categories such as project meetings, team meetings, or committee meetings, you can keep track of important discussions and decisions. This system works similar to the calendex method used in bullet journaling, allowing you to easily reference past meetings and find relevant information.

Now that we have explored the 72-Hour Rule and the Japanese Notebook Organization System, let's discuss some actionable advice that you can implement in your life:

  • 1. Practice mindfulness: When the urge to impulse buy arises, take a moment to pause and evaluate whether the purchase is truly necessary. By being mindful of your spending habits, you can make more intentional decisions.
  • 2. Declutter and prioritize: Before adopting the Japanese Notebook Organization System, take some time to declutter your belongings. This will help you prioritize what is truly important and avoid unnecessary purchases.
  • 3. Set financial goals: Having clear financial goals can help you stay focused and avoid impulsive spending. Whether it's saving for a vacation or paying off debt, having a goal in mind will make it easier to resist the temptation of impulse buying.

In conclusion, the 72-Hour Rule and the Japanese Notebook Organization System offer valuable strategies to combat impulse buying and stay organized. By incorporating these practices into our lives, we can make more thoughtful purchase decisions and maintain a sense of order. Remember to practice mindfulness, declutter and prioritize, and set financial goals to further enhance these strategies. With a little effort, we can overcome our impulsive tendencies and lead a more intentional and organized life.


  1. "72-Hour Rule: How to Stop Impulse Buying? - Rishikesh Sreehari", https://rishikeshs.com/72-hour-rule/?ref=refind (Glasp)
  2. "How to Use the Japanese Notebook Organization System -", https://productivenotes.com/japanese-notebook-organization-system (Glasp)

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