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Zola understood our lust for shopping
unherd.com8 min
Shared by 131
How to Build Public Spaces for Teen Girls thumbnail
How to Build Public Spaces for Teen Girls
www.womeninurbanism.ca7 min
Teen girls have unique needs and experiences that are often left out of our built environment. Explore three projects across the world as they share how they are transforming public spaces for teen…
Why Do So Many People Not Want To Have Children? thumbnail
Why Do So Many People Not Want To Have Children?
Malcolm Collins is a pronatalist, Stanford MBA graduate, venture capitalist and an author.What would the world actually look like if only the global populati...
An invitation to a secret society thumbnail
An invitation to a secret society
www.experimental-history.com11+ min
Or: why you should be a lizard
Everyone is on their phones. But is it really phone addiction we’re experiencing? thumbnail
Everyone is on their phones. But is it really phone addiction we’re experiencing?
www.theguardian.com13+ min
There is no standard diagnosis for ‘phone addiction’, and a debate rages about whether there should be. But will medicalizing a behavior help or harm those suffering from it?
Three Skills for Staying Calm, Sane, and Open in a Chaotic World thumbnail
Three Skills for Staying Calm, Sane, and Open in a Chaotic World
www.tenpercent.com5 min
The host of On Being shares lessons learned from 20 years of interviews, including: how to live with open questions, counterprogramming against your negativity bias, and getting over the God question.
The Problem of What Others Think
moretothat.com3 min
Shared by 1867, including Essaadi
How to Approach Strangers at A Party thumbnail
How to Approach Strangers at A Party
www.theschooloflife.com3 min
A party at the house of a friend, eleven o’clock, on a still-warm evening. A metre away from you, a group of people are chatting animatedly. Someone is telling an anecdote, it might be something about…
Rich and Anonymous thumbnail
Rich and Anonymous
collabfund.com3 min
I think there’s an “ideal” net worth for everyone, when money not only stops bringing pleasure but becomes a social liability. And that number is probably lower than most people think. Business…
The case for resurrecting the lost world of collective bathing thumbnail
The case for resurrecting the lost world of collective bathing
bigthink.com5 min
In 2008, the Japanese comic book artist Mari Yamazaki began working on a manga called Thermae Romae. Published the following year, it’s set in ancient Rome and follows a Roman architect named Lucius.…
A Lighthouse Keeper Hangs Up Her Bonnet thumbnail
A Lighthouse Keeper Hangs Up Her Bonnet
hakaimagazine.com6 min
Celebrating the experiences of Sally Snowman, who will soon retire as the only female lighthouse keeper in the Boston Light’s 307-year history.
What If Money Expired?
www.noemamag.com18+ min
A long-forgotten German economist argued that society and the economy would be better off if money was a perishable good. Was he an anarchist crank or the prophet of a better world?

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