Equity & Inclusion

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What Is Emotional Labor, and Why Does It Matter? thumbnail
What Is Emotional Labor, and Why Does It Matter?
greatergood.berkeley.edu8 min
A new book explains how devaluing emotional labor—disproportionately done by women and other disadvantaged groups—perpetuates inequality.
Women are superstars on stage, but still rarely get to write songs thumbnail
Women are superstars on stage, but still rarely get to write songs
Songwriting credits since 1958, broken down by gender
Why women really don’t get to host late-night TV thumbnail
Why women really don’t get to host late-night TV
www.salon.com20+ min
Salon talks to former hosts who recall less resources and higher stakes. Executives expose the real problems with how legacy shows are built around men
The urgency of intersectionality thumbnail
The urgency of intersectionality
Now more than ever, it's important to look boldly at the reality of race and gender bias -- and understand how the two can combine to create even more harm. Kimberlé Crenshaw uses the term "intersectionality" to describe this phenomenon; as she says, if you're standing in the path of multiple forms of exclusion, you're likely to get hit by both. In this moving talk, she calls on us to bear witness to this reality and speak up for victims of prejudice.
The diversity myth by Peter Thiel
newcriterion.com14+ min
Peter Thiel on multiculturalism as misdirection.
The Other Side of Money: On the Stories We Tell about Wealth, Poverty, and Inequality thumbnail
The Other Side of Money: On the Stories We Tell about Wealth, Poverty, and Inequality
lithub.com13+ min
1. Once upon a time, around 2014, I began writing What’s Mine. It will be a novel about someone whose home gets invaded by this annoying person, I wrote to my agent. It turns out this annoying pers…
Why Are (White) Men So Unambitious? thumbnail
Why Are (White) Men So Unambitious?
annehelen.substack.com10 min
“Men don’t need ambition. They have privilege. They rise unless they work hard at sucking.”
Is it time for the Revenge of the Normies? thumbnail
Is it time for the Revenge of the Normies?
www.noahpinion.blog8 min
An optimistic take on technology and inequality.
How to fight racism using science thumbnail
How to fight racism using science
www.theguardian.com8 min
Misguided assumptions about race are going mainstream, but hard facts can help you combat entrenched attitudes
How Much Discomfort Is the Whole World Worth?
www.bostonreview.net12+ min
Movement building requires a culture of listening—not mastery of the right language.
Make Inclusive Behaviors Habitual on Your Team thumbnail
Make Inclusive Behaviors Habitual on Your Team
Implementation and accountability for inclusion practices live with the team, where real-time interaction happens and real work gets done. What the authors call Inclusive Teaming is not about having a…
When Great Minds Don’t Think Alike thumbnail
When Great Minds Don’t Think Alike
As organizations strive to make their workforces more diverse with respect to race, gender equity, and people with disabilities, leaders need to apply these same strategies to employees with different…
Can Crosswords Be More Inclusive? thumbnail
Can Crosswords Be More Inclusive?
The puzzles spread from the United States across the globe, but the American crossword today doesn’t always reflect the linguistic changes that immigration brings.
How to handle comp challenges at every startup stage — Kaitlyn Knopp’s advice from Pequity, Instacart, Cruise… thumbnail
How to handle comp challenges at every startup stage — Kaitlyn Knopp’s advice from Pequity, Instacart, Cruise…
Kaitlyn Knopp, founder & CEO of Pequity, shares tactical compensation advice for every startup stage — from initial leveling and comp philosophy, to negotiating offers, extending exercise windows, and…

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