Health Care

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Salt, Sugar, Water, Zinc: How Scientists Learned to Treat the 20th Century’s Biggest Killer of Children—Asterisk
asteriskmag.com19+ min
Oral rehydration therapy is now the standard treatment for dehydration. It’s saved millions of lives, and can be prepared at home in minutes. So why did it take so long to discover?
End-of-Life Dreams thumbnail
End-of-Life Dreams
www.commonwealmagazine.org15+ min
“In a high-tech, evidence-driven world of contemporary medicine, it was a dream that led a physician to conclude that my wife was dying. How was that possible?”
24 hours in an invisible epidemic thumbnail
24 hours in an invisible epidemic
Watch 24 hours of an American day, and the invisible crisis hiding in plain sight
Patients don’t know how to navigate the US health system — and it’s costing them thumbnail
Patients don’t know how to navigate the US health system — and it’s costing them
www.vox.com5 min
A crisis of confusion is making health care more expensive for many Americans.
Should we abandon the idea that cancer is something to ‘fight’? thumbnail
Should we abandon the idea that cancer is something to ‘fight’?
Is it time to abandon the century-old idea that cancer is best met with a ‘fight’ from patients and their doctors alike?
Micro-medical machines like "The Magic Schoolbus" are being developed, but safety concerns remain thumbnail
Micro-medical machines like "The Magic Schoolbus" are being developed, but safety concerns remain min
From plaque cleaning to drug delivery, nanoelectronics are rapidly developing, with major implications for medicine
Why the US is the only country that ties your health insurance to your job thumbnail
Why the US is the only country that ties your health insurance to your job
www.vox.com8 min
Nobody would build a system like America’s on purpose.
The FDA just approved a new treatment for Alzheimer’s. It’s a very big deal. thumbnail
The FDA just approved a new treatment for Alzheimer’s. It’s a very big deal.
www.vox.com8 min
It’s a glimmer of hope for patients and families — if the US health system can handle it.
How a Big Pharma Company Stalled a Potentially Lifesaving Vaccine in Pursuit of Bigger Profits thumbnail
How a Big Pharma Company Stalled a Potentially Lifesaving Vaccine in Pursuit of Bigger Profits
www.propublica.org15+ min
A vaccine against tuberculosis, the world’s deadliest infectious disease, has never been closer to reality, with the potential to save millions of lives. But its development slowed after its corporate…

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