Warren Buffett | Charlie Rose | Pt. 3 | July 12, 2006 | Summary and Q&A

November 12, 2020
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Warren Buffett | Charlie Rose | Pt. 3 | July 12, 2006

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In this interview, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Melinda Gates discuss the historic announcement of Warren Buffett's donation of $31 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They explain their reasons for the donation, their goals for philanthropy, and the importance of working together to make a positive impact in the world. They also discuss their friendship and the unique dynamics of their relationship.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did Warren Buffett decide to donate $31 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?

Warren Buffett had always planned to give back to society, and originally, he had thought his wife would make the big decision on how to do so. However, after her death, he had to rethink the best way to use his money effectively. He saw that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was making a significant impact in the areas he cared about, so he decided to make the donation to them.

Q: How does the donation impact the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?

The donation doubles the impact of the foundation in terms of addressing global health issues, education, and inequities. It allows them to deepen their work in these areas and make a greater difference in the lives of people who have been disadvantaged.

Q: How does this donation affect Warren Buffett's role in philanthropy?

Warren Buffett sees his role as being a sounding board for ideas and being available for assistance if needed. He fully trusts Bill and Melinda Gates to use the money effectively and make the best decisions for the foundation.

Q: How did Warren Buffett and Bill Gates first meet?

Warren Buffett had invited Bill Gates to a gathering of his friends, which Bill initially didn't want to attend. However, they ended up having a great conversation about business and trends, and they quickly realized they had a unique connection and a shared curiosity about the world.

Q: What qualities make their friendship special?

Their friendship is based on a genuine interest in each other's ideas and a shared sense of curiosity. Despite their age differences, regional differences, and educational backgrounds, they find each other interesting and enjoy spending time together. They also have a shared sense of humor and enjoy joking around with each other.

Q: Is there any competition between Warren Buffett and Bill Gates?

There is no competition between them, as they have different areas of expertise. They both play bridge and golf together, but any competition is lighthearted and friendly. They support and learn from each other rather than competing against each other.

Q: What is the role of philanthropy in their friendship?

Philanthropy is an important shared value between Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. They both believe in giving back to society and using their wealth to make a positive impact. They have discussed philanthropy extensively and learn from each other's experiences and ideas.

Q: What have they learned from each other?

Warren Buffett has learned a lot about philanthropy from Bill Gates and how to think about making meaningful contributions to society. He admires the way Bill and Melinda Gates approach their foundation and their dedication to helping those who have been disadvantaged. Bill Gates has learned from Warren Buffett's business acumen and his ability to see value in companies. They have both influenced each other in different ways.

Q: How does Warren Buffett view the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?

Warren Buffett considers the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as the best-run philanthropy in the world. He admires how they focus on solving global problems without regard to gender, color, religion, or geography. He believes in their values and goals and sees their foundation as the perfect recipient for his donation.

Q: How does Warren Buffett approach philanthropy compared to other wealthy individuals?

Warren Buffett believes in a long-term approach to philanthropy. He wants to use his wealth to address the needs of future generations and sees the potential for exponential growth in the impact of his donation. He also believes in the importance of choosing the right partners and organizations to work with to ensure the money is used effectively.


Warren Buffett's historic donation of $31 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will significantly impact global health issues, education, and inequities. The donation doubles the foundation's ability to make a difference and allows them to deepen their work in these areas. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have a unique and special friendship based on shared values and interests. They learn from each other and support each other's philanthropic endeavors. Their collaboration exemplifies the power of working together to create positive change in the world.

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