Tulsi Gabbard on Ukraine and the Military Industrial Complex | Summary and Q&A

October 11, 2022
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Tulsi Gabbard on Ukraine and the Military Industrial Complex

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This video discusses the connection between the military-industrial complex, funding the Ukraine war with Russia, and the potential threat of nuclear war. It highlights the influence of defense contractors and lobbyists on politicians, the bipartisan support for a state of war, and the lack of critical questioning regarding the impact of such actions on national security. The video also addresses the danger of a nuclear war breaking out and the unpreparedness of the American people for such an event.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the military-industrial complex?

The military-industrial complex refers to massive defense corporations that manufacture various weapon systems, from small arms to nuclear weapons. They profit greatly during times of war or when there is a threat of war. Their influence extends beyond what the military actually needs, often due to the close relationships between members of Congress and defense contractors.

Q: Why is there bipartisan support for a state of war?

Both the Democratic and Republican parties contribute to the perpetual state of war. This support is linked to the influence of the military-industrial complex and the desire of politicians to appear tough. Divisiveness on various other issues masks the common ground found in supporting a continuous state of war.

Q: How is the Ukraine war being funded?

The US and some European countries are providing billions of dollars for weapon systems and military support to Ukraine. This funding is part of a larger geopolitical strategy to engage in a proxy war against Russia. The objective is regime change in Russia, and Ukraine serves as the battleground.

Q: What is the potential risk of nuclear war?

The possibility of a nuclear war breaking out is higher than ever before. Russian leaders have been using rhetoric suggesting the use of nuclear weapons. This poses a serious threat to global stability and would result in the destruction of the world as we know it.

Q: How prepared is the US for a nuclear attack?

The US is woefully unprepared for a nuclear blast. The lack of infrastructure, resources, and plans to support the American people in such an event is evident. Recent public service announcements, like the one in New York City, create a false sense of security without providing practical solutions for survival.

Q: Why are leaders irresponsibly pushing us to the brink of nuclear war?

Political leaders are failing the American people by ignoring the necessary steps to prevent the destruction of the planet. Their focus on profit and the influence of the military-industrial complex are the major drivers behind their negligence.

Q: Is the prolongation of the Ukraine war driven by profit?

Yes, the military-industrial complex stands to profit greatly from the continuation of the Ukraine war. By funding the war and providing weapons, those involved can increase their budgets, ramp up arm shipments, and generate more profit.

Q: Could the threat of nuclear war be used as a strategy for financial gain?

There is a possibility that some individuals or entities may intentionally push us towards the brink of nuclear war to generate more profit. The constant escalation of tensions and the belief that Putin won't initiate a nuclear conflict are factors that contribute to such a strategy.

Q: How has Putin's position contributed to the threat of nuclear war?

Putin's current position is one of feeling cornered and having lost face. He may feel he has nothing to lose, which increases the risk of him using nuclear weapons if pushed to an existential threat. Dismissing his potential actions as unreasonable denies the reality of his situation.

Q: What is the current state of vulnerability for the American people?

The American people are unprepared and lack proper infrastructure, resources, and plans to protect themselves in the event of a nuclear attack. The government's false sense of security and lack of substantial solutions leave the population vulnerable to devastation.


The video highlights the dangerous influence of the military-industrial complex on American politics and the lack of critical questioning regarding military actions. The threat of nuclear war looms large, as tensions escalate and both sides possess a significant number of nuclear warheads. The US government's unpreparedness and focus on profit over national security further compound the risks. Urgent action is needed to prevent the destruction of the world and protect the American people.

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