The SECRET To ACHIEVING ANY SUCCESS Is Mastering This ONE THING | Tom Bilyeu & Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

September 18, 2020
Success Habits
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The SECRET To ACHIEVING ANY SUCCESS Is Mastering This ONE THING | Tom Bilyeu & Jay Shetty

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In this video, Tom Bilyeu discusses the importance of clarity and self-improvement, the value of having a valuable network, the role of hard work and discipline in achieving success, and the power of loving what you do. He also delves into his own journey as an entrepreneur and the importance of constantly learning and adapting. Tom shares insights from neuroscience, such as the brain's plasticity and how facial expressions can influence emotions. He concludes by emphasizing the need for self-awareness and the willingness to change in order to achieve personal growth.

Questions & Answers

Q: What does Tom mean when he says that self-improvement requires clarity?

Tom believes that having a clear understanding of what you want to achieve is crucial for personal growth. Without a clear vision, it becomes difficult to make progress and stay motivated. Clarity serves as a guiding light, helping you make decisions and prioritize your actions.

Q: How does Tom interpret the saying "your network is your net worth"?

While the saying suggests that the people you know can contribute to your success, Tom believes it goes beyond just valuable connections. He sees it as an opportunity to receive valuable knowledge and guidance from those within your network who know more than you do. This insight can be truly life-changing and help accelerate your growth.

Q: What advice does Tom have for those who want to stand out in their field?

Tom emphasizes the importance of hard work and putting in more effort than those around you. He shares a personal example of attending a conference where he witnessed Tom Bilyeu working harder than anyone else. Loving what you do is crucial, as it fuels your motivation to put in the necessary time and energy to excel.

Q: How has Tom's perspective on hard work and discipline evolved over time?

Tom used to prioritize money and fame, driven by his desire to be a successful filmmaker. However, he learned that chasing money exclusively was unsatisfying and detrimental to his well-being. He now values hard work and discipline as necessary components of his journey but emphasizes that the love for what he does is what fuels his commitment and prevents burnout.

Q: How does Tom define the punch line of life?

According to Tom, the true measure of success and fulfillment is how you feel about yourself when you're alone. Money, fame, and external achievements can be valuable but are not the ultimate purpose of life. The only thing that truly matters is whether you have lived up to who you wanted to be and are at peace with yourself.

Q: How did Tom's perspective on self-improvement change after experiencing a phase of depression?

Tom shares his personal struggles with depression, which made him realize the danger of neglecting one's mental well-being. He encourages others to prioritize self-care and find joy in their pursuits. The key lesson he learned is that achieving success without genuine love for what you do will ultimately lead to burnout and dissatisfaction.

Q: What drove Tom's initial motivation to be an entrepreneur?

Tom's desire to be a successful filmmaker and generate significant wealth in the film industry led him to pursue entrepreneurship. He saw it as a means to have creative control and access the resources needed to achieve his goals. However, he later realized that his focus on money alone was misguided.

Q: How did Tom's perception of money evolve throughout his journey?

Initially, Tom believed that amassing wealth was the core of his identity and the path to success. However, he realized that pursuing money for its own sake was empty and unsatisfying. He learned that true fulfillment comes from finding purpose, impacting lives, and striving for personal growth rather than simply accumulating wealth.

Q: What realization did Tom have about youth and the pursuit of genius?

Tom came across a quote stating that genius is a young man's game, and it terrified him. He realized that our youth is limited, and he wanted to find a way to access genius and make a significant impact in any stage of life. This drove him to cultivate a mindset of continuous growth, challenging his own thinking, and seeking out new ideas.

Q: How does Tom maintain his constant drive for self-improvement?

Tom believes that changeability is a crucial mindset to adopt. Instead of perceiving himself as special or unique, he sees his personal growth as a testament to what is possible for anyone. He emphasizes the need to challenge oneself, be open to new ideas, and always seek disconfirming evidence to avoid complacency.

Q: What role does self-awareness play in Tom's journey?

Self-awareness is a fundamental aspect of Tom's personal and professional growth. He continuously seeks to understand himself better, his motivations, and his limitations. By being self-aware, he can make deliberate choices, adapt to new challenges, and find strategies that work best for him. Taking the time to reflect and learn from his experiences is an integral part of his journey.


Tom Bilyeu emphasizes the importance of having clarity in self-improvement and constantly challenging yourself to grow. He believes that having a network of knowledgeable individuals can be life-changing and that timing and hard work are crucial to standing out. Tom encourages finding love and fulfillment in what you do and recognizing that material success does not define true happiness. He shares his personal journey of pursuing wealth, experiencing depression, and finding a deeper purpose. Tom's insights from neuroscience, such as the brain's plasticity and the power of facial expressions, provide practical tools for personal growth. He concludes by emphasizing the need for self-awareness, constant learning, and being open to change.

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