The myth of King Midas and his golden touch - Iseult Gillespie | Summary and Q&A

March 5, 2018
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The myth of King Midas and his golden touch - Iseult Gillespie

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In Greek mythology, King Midas ruled the ancient kingdom of Phrygia. He was known for his foolish behavior and his affinity with Dionysus, the god of wine. One day, Midas was granted one wish by Dionysus and chose the power to turn anything he touched into gold. However, he soon realized the consequences of his wish when his daughter and everything around him turned to gold. He begged the gods to rid him of his power, which was granted by washing his hands in the River Pactolus. Despite this lesson, Midas made another mistake by insulting Apollo and was transformed into a man with ass's ears. Only his barber knew about the secret and eventually whispered it into the ground, leading to the growth of reeds that carried his secret throughout the kingdom.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did King Midas spend his days?

King Midas spent his days indulging in extravagance and pleasure. He spoiled himself, his beloved daughter, and gorged on feasts and wine.

Q: Why did Midas feel an affinity with Dionysus?

Midas felt an affinity with Dionysus because he was the god of wine, carnival, and performance. These indulgent aspects of life resonated with Midas's own lifestyle.

Q: How did Midas discover his power to turn things into gold?

Midas discovered his power when he came across a satyr in his rose garden. The satyr was one of Dionysus's followers, and as a show of gratitude for Midas's hospitality, Dionysus granted him one wish. Midas chose the power to turn anything he touched into gold.

Q: What were the immediate effects of Midas's power?

When Midas first obtained his golden touch, he turned his palace walls, stone statues, and goblets into gold. He excitedly handled each item, turning them into lustrous and gleaming objects.

Q: How did Midas's power affect his ability to eat and drink?

Midas's power turned his food and drink into solid gold. When he picked up a bunch of grapes or a loaf of bread, they hardened into unpalatable metal. This realization left him hungry and frustrated.

Q: What happened to Midas's daughter?

Midas's daughter unwittingly became a victim of his power. When Midas reached out to her, he discovered with horror that he had turned her into a golden statue.

Q: How did Midas get rid of his power?

Midas, horrified by what he had done, pleaded with the gods to rid him of his power. Dionysus took pity on him and instructed him to wash his hands in the River Pactolus. Upon doing so, the gold drained from Midas's fingertips, returning everything to normal.

Q: Did Midas learn from his mistakes?

Although Midas experienced the consequences of his actions, he did not fully learn from his mistakes. Just a few weeks later, he insulted Apollo and declared Pan a greater musician, which resulted in Apollo transforming Midas into a man with ass's ears.

Q: How did Midas hide his newly acquired ears?

After being transformed into a man with ass's ears, Midas kept his condition hidden from the public. His ears were only seen by his barber, who was sworn to secrecy during an awkward grooming session.

Q: How did the barber eventually reveal Midas's secret?

The secret of Midas's ass's ears consumed the barber, and one day, he couldn't bear it any longer. He walked outside the city and whispered into the ground, "Midas has ass's ears." Soon after, a clump of reeds grew in that spot, carrying the echoes of his whisper throughout the kingdom.


The story of King Midas serves as a cautionary tale against greed and foolishness. Midas's insatiable desire for wealth and his thoughtless actions led to the suffering of his loved ones and his own humiliation. Despite being given a chance to learn his lesson, he continued to make mistakes, further tarnishing his reputation. The enduring legacy of King Midas lies not in statues or temples, but in the echoes of his follies that whispered through the wind and the glittering river.

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